View Full Version : Really need help..

05-09-2012, 10:49 AM
I can't stop the negative thinking .. Once I start thinking something's physically wrong I start feeling symptoms and pains I've never felt.. I really need to figure out how to control the thinking. Some one?

I'm feeling numbness in my legs also around my mouth and left arm.....

05-09-2012, 10:57 AM
I feel the same way. Do you take meds or go for therapy? I get numbness too...sometimes on the left side of my face....very annoying, but not dangerous....it is all caused by anxiety!!!!!

05-09-2012, 10:58 AM
Those are totally normal anxiety symptoms. Although uncomfortable,they will go away. Keep telling yourself you have felt like this before and lived,like always. Once you realize anxiety can't hurt you and you aren't afraid of it anymore it will disappear.

05-09-2012, 11:00 AM
The first step is to usually go for a regular checkup and rule out anything serious.

What I find that helps is to redirect your thoughts and immediate focus. For example, take notice of any sounds you hear as a distraction. By focusing on these distractions you are not only redirecting your thoughts, you're gradually slowing down the thoughts.

I've been mediating twice a day for 20 minute sessions, and this has been my mantra..just to focus on outside sounds. Doing this overtime has a beneficial effect because when you start to focus your attention on negative thoughts or sensations, you can easily and more easily focus on something else.

Hope this helps.

05-09-2012, 11:40 AM
Trini.. I have celexa and clonazaphem but I refuse to take them. And I dont have a therapist .
Brittany. I try and tell myself that everyday but it doesn't seem to stop me thinking so negative .

And JA thank you so much for the advice , I've been to the er and I've always left with nothing wrong but a simply pulled muscle or something minor
I went to my gp and had blood work done and everything came back fine.. In oct I had a EKG and chest X-ray and that was also fine ..

I don't want to turn to the meds I want to learn how to control it alone.

05-09-2012, 12:17 PM
Trini.. I have celexa and clonazaphem but I refuse to take them. And I dont have a therapist .
Brittany. I try and tell myself that everyday but it doesn't seem to stop me thinking so negative .

And JA thank you so much for the advice , I've been to the er and I've always left with nothing wrong but a simply pulled muscle or something minor
I went to my gp and had blood work done and everything came back fine.. In oct I had a EKG and chest X-ray and that was also fine ..

I don't want to turn to the meds I want to learn how to control it alone.

I'm very much also against meds, soley because I would rather get to the route of an issue rather than cover it up temporarily.

Studies have shown that seeing a CBT (cognitive behavior therapist) can produce long term results better than medication alone.

I'm in the same boat a most on this board and I would also recommend reading and becoming educated on the issues of anxiety. I great book I would recommend to anyone is "When Panic Attacks" by Dr. Burns. Ever since I read his "Feeling Good" book i've been hooked on his philospy that we are a result of our thoughts.