View Full Version : Aches and Pains?

05-09-2012, 03:36 AM
Hi, newbie here!

I was just wondering how often/if people suffer with shoulder and chest pains due to anxiety and if so, how long it lasts? I get anxious without even realising it half the time which just makes things worse because I can't pinpoint what's causing it. For about a week and a half, I've had an ache across my shoulders that sometimes feels like hunger pains, other times just a twinge or press on the nerves. It seems to shift around, mostly in the centre or to the left but sometimes radiating to the right and under my arms. I sometimes get twinges in my chest (to the left of my sternum) and have been having some breathing difficulties the last couple of days. Trouble is, it's not at all unusual for me to have breathing trouble when I'm anxious, it's been happening for years and I had a lung function test about 8 months ago that was all clear.

Naturally, I looked stuff up on the internet and was faced with "heart attack", "pulmonary embolism" and all sorts of other things that it could be and jump to the worst conclusion. But would these last that long without getting much worse?

Work has been kinda stressful lately and then I was told my housemates were going off to Spain for a week two days before they left which threw me off balance because I hate being left in the house on my own for days on end, so that could definitely have been a trigger. If it is anxiety, any tips on how to reduce the tension?

Many thanks for any suggestions (and I will go see a doctor if it doesn't ease when they return tomorrow, I just really don't want the term "blood test" to crop up...)

Catherine (24)

05-09-2012, 09:19 AM
I also get neck, shoulder and chest pain from being so tense all of the time. I carry allot of stress in my shoulders. I have been stretching my neck and chest out using an exercise ball and laying on it and extending my arms to the side and over my head. It helped allot but it took about a week. Good luck and I hope this helps.