View Full Version : Had enough...

05-08-2012, 07:21 PM
Hello I'm new to this! I don't know if any of yous will pay attention to my post or what but this is my last resort really, I am an 18 year old student suffering with really bad anxiety from time to time recently been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder but my doctor was really not that helpful!
Basically near enough every day I suffer with severe anxiety attacks, i feel like I'm not here, that I'm dreaming and get tingley hands and feet,
Simply finding it impossible to live like this any longer I've been prescribed propanol but this does not help!! Someone please help as I'm really at breaking point :( thank you

05-08-2012, 07:33 PM
You can do this.

First of all, I would highly recommend starting therapy and visiting a psychiatrist (not a general doctor). I believe Propanol is a high blood pressure medication? Might help a tiny bit, but not really... A psychiatrist can get you on an antidepressant (that's what they use to treat anxiety) and you will see results from that in 2-6 weeks. In the short term, you can ask for a benzo. I personally use ativan. Only .5mg (a small dose) completely eliminates panic attacks for me. I feel one coming on (or one hits me hard), I take .5mg, and 10-15 minutes later I'm fine.

Benzo's are somewhat addictive when used long term at increasingly high doses, but are safe when taken in smaller doses and eliminated in the near future (ideally you won't need it after the antidepressant kicks in).

Now all of this has to be combined with therapy. The medication will make things tolerable, but only cover up the problem. Work on your issues with a therapist and then you can get off the medication. If you can't afford it, try and find a sliding scale therapist and psychiatrist. I'd also check out some books on anxiety. I felt like once I started to really understand what was going on with me, it helped take the mystery out of it and exposed it for the sham it really is.

That dreamy feeling is a classic anxiety symptom. I promise you it can go away, and you can get better. People with your problems get better and better every day. I felt the same way as you, but in a short period of time I'm getting significantly better. Hang in there and get to work on it.

05-14-2012, 06:28 PM
I know I'm just so sick of feeling like this every day of my life it makes me feel so envious and jealous of people who can do "normal" day to say life... Who can live a happy fulfilled life!
I'm aware they're a blood pressure tablet but they are a beta blocker... Which in most cases when I take them make me feel worse and I can never sleep at night! I have this horrible strange feeling like I can't catch my breathe and cant feel myself almost as though I'm not human and just living a dream, As I am 18 you can probably imagine I'm thoroughly embarrassed about it all none of my friends go through this why should I? So sick of it :(

05-14-2012, 06:47 PM
My girlfriend feels the same way as you, and so do many people- it is a classic anxiety symptom, as bhamlaxy said. She describes it as 'a thin layer between her and everything around her'. Like a barrier, but it's hard to describe. Sometimes, I'm inside of it with her, other times I'm outside. I try to be inside as much as I can! We've been doing a lot better recently, and you can too! It might not seem like it because of how you're feeling, but you've gotta have faith in the process of feeling better.

It won't happen immediately, but anything worth doing will take some time and effort!

And don't feel embarrassed about it- Millions of people feel the same things. The difference between you and most of them is, you've got the right idea asking for help here! So you've got a great support system here that they don't have. Take advantage of the luck you have to come across all these great resources.

What is your family situation right now, if I may ask? And how is your social life, and how are you eating? How much exercise are you getting? This stuff is all very important to anybody's wellness!

Jen Victoria Macdonald
05-14-2012, 07:54 PM
I am also a student dealing with anxiety so if you need anyone to speak to directly don't hestitate to direct message me :) I've found that uni has really added to my anxiety. I'm just about to finish my final year, so being 18 you will be in your first couple of years right? If so, get help sooner rather than later! If your doctor doesn't want to know then go and find somebody private that can help you. I know they cost, but at least 1 or 2 sessions will make you feel more relaxed? Or your uni/college will probably have somebody you can go and speak to for free! Don't feel embarrassed at all - your friends will be totally sympathetic. At first my friends thought I was being a hypercondriact (they actually called me that to my face and laughed) and I kind of laughed it off with them because I thought I was being stupid. I've told a few of them and they are understanding, more than I thought they would be. I had a panic attack whilst out at a nightclub and couldn't stop crying. My friend took me home, gave me water and talked to me until around 5am. Friends - best people to talk to! I even found out some stuff about my friend that I didn't know, and they were thoughts like mine! Everybody has some sort of anxiety deep down, it isn't until it gets a little out of control that it becomes like what we have. You've come to the right place, we are here to make you feel better :)

05-15-2012, 04:16 PM
Jen would you be able to email me or private message me on here? My email is Yasmin . Jest at hotmail dot co dot uk (no spaces wouldn't let me message you on here )

Jen Victoria Macdonald
05-15-2012, 04:25 PM
Have done! x

05-15-2012, 04:27 PM
My messages won't let me send cause my post count is less than 10 can you send me your email on private message or something x