View Full Version : Anxiety and Depression

05-08-2012, 07:17 PM
Hi everyone im new here and im pretty sure i have anxiety and depression. Ive never actually gone to the doctor to be properly diagnosed because im terrified of doctors so im hoping maybe i could get some answers on here. Since i was around 15(im 18 now) ive been feeling really sad and not wanting to do anything. ive lost a lot of friends because of it and i dont know what to do about it anymore. In the past 6 months or so ive been feeling really nervous and scared and feeling like i cant get any air. Especially when im driving, at school, or around lots of people.

Some of my other symptoms are:
upset stomach
severe chest pain usually on my left side but sometimes it spreads across my whole chest.
feeling really overwhelmed
aches and pains
not wanting to go anywhere or do anything
walls feel like they're closing in on me
when im driving it feels like im floating and in another world, so to speak
hard to swallow/feels like i cant get any air
shaky and jumpy
really sensitive to light
mood changes really easily
sometimes i feel really hyper and impulsive
cant concentrate
parts of my body go numb sometimes(the left side of my mouth specifically, that really scared me i thought i was having a stroke)
i cant form sentences sometimes and i just feel completely stupid
i want to sleep alllll the time

those are all the symptoms i can think of right now.
I feel like its really interfereing with my life. I see people my age going out and having fun but i just want to stay at home because i know going out and doing things will trigger my symptoms so i just opt out. I feel like a huge loser im just at a loss at what to do anymore. If anyone could give me some advice that would be great. thanks

05-08-2012, 07:40 PM
Every single one of those symptoms indicates anxiety/depression.

I'd highly recommend seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist. I know you are afraid of doctors, but neither of these types of doctors will touch your body in any way. No shots or physical stuff, just talking.