View Full Version : Major set back .. really had enough

05-08-2012, 03:16 PM
Im so fed up
Suffered a panic attack a few wks ago while driving on the motor way, posted it on here. Was an ambulance nd then a 12 pad ecg, blood tests nd all obs done and they told me it was a panic attack and I carried on the 250 mile drive. Since then I've been in a state of anxiety nd convinced I've got a heart prob. I've been here before and had a 24 hr tape test, ecg and treadmill test and all was clear, that was 15 years ago thou. I'm just convinced its I'm going to collapse of a heart attack any minute. I've started an 8 wk panic attack programe and attend every fortnight, but my doctor won't refer me to a cardiac doc for tests huh.
I'm really trying to program myself and beat this again and today was positive but
My mums in a specialist heart hospital as she does have a serious heart condition due to a childhood illness. My friend drove me the 2hr journey to the hospital and we had a 10 minute walk from the car, all of a sudden i started to feel breathless nd a clenching feeling in my chest, I then felt dizzy and clammy and really tired nd drained. I honestly felt by the time I got to her bedside really ill. I made my excuses and went to the loo to take my blood pressure which was around 140/70 nd heart rate of around 100. I immediatly told myself it wouldnt be normal like this if I was having a heart attack? I went back on the ward but again needed to leave soon after huh. The drive home with my friend was awful, I still had the symptoms and wanted to take my bp again but my friend constantly told me she wanted to throw it out of the window and that there was nothing wrong with me and I wasnt helping my self by not taking my medication from my doctors! She told me straight it was panic attacks and that there was nothing wrong with my heart and that I wasn't helping myself at all esp with takin my bp so regular. I took it again and my bp was around 122/70 and heart rate 82. I got home was so angry with myself for putting myself in the position of having a friend talk down to me in this way, I gave myself a kick and told myself there couldn't be nothing wrong and I must be bringing on these horrible real symptoms. But then I went on to the net and googled if when having a heart attack your blood pressure changes, it told me it may easily not change! So I'm left now so anxious and plan to call my doctor first thing for him to see me tomorrow and beg if I have to for him to refer me for cardiac tests. I'm terrified of the A&E and just can't bring myself to go and get checked out that way as I know the state of anxiety would send me off the scale while I'm sat waiting to go on the ecg or while I'm on it until I get the results. Please does anyone experience all this? Please has anyone got advice for me?

05-08-2012, 04:44 PM
It sounds like it may be all due to panic attack. I've experienced all of those symptoms, and its been all due to anxiety. I think you should try the medication, I fought taking meds for a long time, and my anxiety just got worse.

05-08-2012, 05:19 PM
Thanks for responding huhh I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy but its helps so much knowing I'm not alone. I just keep having waves of these feelings and the symptoms are so real and makes me feel so weak and tired. It just throws mw off my feet, I'm really going to try and deal with this and stop getting myself into this state
Its just so hard x

05-09-2012, 08:41 AM
Thank you for your advice, I hit my all time low last night and I couldn't of gotten any worse this morning
I read a post on here just above mine that took me to a phone call from New Zealand from a sight
I truely believe it stopped me from falling over the edge and I'm so grateful to that person
It was explained to me about a program I am going to join and I have never ever had a conversation with anyone that understood how I'm feeling.
I feel I need to understand why I'm feelin like this and why I have the symptoms so I can then understand as how to deal and react to them
I went from a dithering wreck either heading straight for the A&E or mentally sectioned to within mins after the call going out with very good friends for lunch.
I went for lunch and I lived through it!
I am booking my program and feel a light in this very dark tunnel x