View Full Version : chest pain

05-08-2012, 03:09 PM
So, I felt like I had been doing so well past couple of days, and then this morning, upon waking up, I tried to sit up and felt a Sharp pain in the right side of my chest....and also in my sternum area. I know I did sleep on my right side last night. It lasted for a few hours, and then started to subside a bit. It just had me worried. Has anyone had that happen?
I know that logically it cannot be my heart, I've had a cardiac stress test done a little more than a year ago....that I did very well on, my blood pressure is controlled by meds, my panic attacks are controlled by xanax. I am of ideal weight, I am somewhat active in terms of exercising.....so I know I shouldn't worry....but still, that's my major worry.....

05-08-2012, 06:43 PM
I have had chest pains, I had them yesterday as a matter of fact. I read that they can be brought on by hyperventilating. I know I was hyperventilating while driving yesterda. Anxiety can bring on alot of strange symptoms, for sure. Try and schedule an appointment with you Doctor. I did that just to make sure nothing was serious. My tests comes back normal as usual and then I am a nut case at that point. But hope you feel better.