View Full Version : Not sure whether its anxiety or not...

01-18-2007, 05:52 PM

Hi everyone:

I am new to this... I just had a dreadful year.. and a lot of crazy stressful things happened.. I have been suffering one and off for the last five years with a type of lightheadedness that hits me in certain situations... I have a feeling... YIKES.. that there is nothing medically wrong because I have checked most everything with my doctor.. but I think it may be anxiety.. anyone have any lightheadness symptoms? I would love to hear your stories....


01-19-2007, 03:29 AM
:ponder: Sounds like it could be anxiety, as your fight or flight response kicks in and releases chemicals such as adreniline and your pulse rate and blood pressure increase. These can cause a great many symptoms see link below, Lightheadedness for definite.



01-27-2007, 08:30 AM
hi there dont you get lightheadiness when you are in public or you could just be sitting on the couch and relaxing and then you get this feeling over you??
