View Full Version : Panic, Anxiety & OCD while Pregnant!

05-07-2012, 09:56 PM
I am only about 3 weeks pregnant, and since a blood test detected the pregnancy about 2 weeks ago, I had to abrupty stop my OCD medication (Luvox 25mg). I was on the lowest possible dose of the medication but it helped my OCD greatly. I suffer from severe racing thoughts, a racing heart (165 heart rate while resting), immobilizing anxiety and it is almost as if I walk around in a fog, unable to think or concentrate. I'm very irritable and just a complete nervous wreck. These symptoms seemed to subside with the medication, but after a few days of withdrawals, ALL of the symptoms have returned and it is almost more than I can stand!! I feel like checking myself in a behavioral hospital because of this fear, but there isn't any safe medication for OCD approved for pregnancy that I am aware of. Someone please help me by leading me in the right direction with this. I feel like a lost puppy.... and very terrified. I NEED to be strong for my daughter, my husband, myself and this baby I've been blessed with.............................. :confused:

Note: I'm looking around for another pyschiatrist right now, but my OBGYN is dealing with these issues.

05-07-2012, 10:22 PM
I really don't have any advice for you but just wanted you to know that I read your post and am sending prayers your way. Keep working with your doctor and I think the most important thing for you to do is keep breathing. I suffered from anxiety during my pregnancy and like you there isn't much that can be done by way of medication. I know my psychologist told me that when it came to my obsessive thoughts to try to keep repeating to myself "it's just my anxiety" and than to actually talk to the thought and tell the thought that you are done with it. It sounds silly but it helped. Good luck you will make it through this

05-08-2012, 02:08 PM
Ask the pdoc about atarax(an old antihistamine with anti-anxiety effects) for anxiety and for an (AD)/ssri ask about Prozac, zoloft or celexa for use safe use during pregnancy(http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/antidepressants/DN00007).
Wellbutrin is also considered safe.
Buspar is a safe option for anxiety during pregnancy.
Miltown(meprobamate) is an old drug for anxiety that I'm not sure about use for pregnancy but might be asked about.
I've has some luck with Picamilon which can be bought via Amazon or Ebay. PM me anytime. Alankay

11-12-2014, 12:06 PM
everyone seems to be coming up with such awesome input.i feel inspired. lol

11-12-2014, 12:21 PM
did you talk to your doctor about coming off the med? When I was pregnant, my doctor recommended that I did not stop taking them.. I did for a bit because I thought it was the right thing to do, but I evenatually got back on.

11-12-2014, 01:27 PM
i didn't mean going off meds