View Full Version : Can everyone please take a moment to laugh at yourselves?

05-07-2012, 05:30 PM
I know how horrible and serious it all seems because I've been there, but it really helps to take some time out to look at this all from a distance and see what a joke it all is. It's very important to laugh at it all. Just go down the list of posts here and even though these are people suffering, look how funny it all is! Laughter is very good medicine. The more you obsess the more there is to obsess. The more you focus on the symptom, the more symptoms you get. Anxiety is a bluff. You got to call it's bluff. Out bluff the bluff. Look at yourself and how you keep worrying. See how funny it is.

Just take some time to laugh at it all and smile. When all else fails, just say FUCK IT!

05-07-2012, 06:06 PM
When you suffered did you get just random physical sensations/random dizziness etc... That's what I get and I fear the next sensation. I self medicate to calm the fear. Ie: wine and cigs then spend the next day in the complete dumps from the wine probably. I worry like hell I will die of lung cancer at 30 because my chest is heavy from a nights smoking then a few days later I do it again. I'm so stupid. I'm so scared a d tired of fearing fear and weird sensations in my head. I'm trying to just say fuck it but it's so hard. I don't want to die of cancer and leave my baby boy motherless. I'm rambling sorry. Thank you for any advice or reassurance

05-08-2012, 06:45 AM
When you suffered did you get just random physical sensations/random dizziness etc... That's what I get and I fear the next sensation. I self medicate to calm the fear. Ie: wine and cigs then spend the next day in the complete dumps from the wine probably. I worry like hell I will die of lung cancer at 30 because my chest is heavy from a nights smoking then a few days later I do it again. I'm so stupid. I'm so scared a d tired of fearing fear and weird sensations in my head. I'm trying to just say fuck it but it's so hard. I don't want to die of cancer and leave my baby boy motherless. I'm rambling sorry. Thank you for any advice or reassurance

I just wanted to say I CAN RELATE EXACTLY TO THIS!! I do the same exact thing, self medicate with food to calm the fear. I fear fear as well. Also you are not stupid by any means, you are a nice, caring person.

I have done a lot. I workout every single day (in fact I rarely miss a workout day). I ride my bike and lift weights. I also worked on overcoming of fears, like asking girls out on dates or to dance, going out and meeting new people, and expressing my feelings. I am taking klonopin which kind of helps, and I am seeing a psychologist and we are doing CBT. That's where I am at right now. Also I am anxious and worried all day long, even when people are talking to me, when working out, or when out at the dance club dancing. I have been anxious like this my whole life. One time I was having trouble breathing and I was worried it was lung cancer. I was worried I would need a lung transplant, and end up dying. I would research and post on message boards all the time. It's the same thing now. I am worried about being worried and I spend lots of time on message boards.

Many other cases, I read about the world ending and I became anxious the world was going to end and a planet would collide into the earth. I was anxious about it for six months - googling, crying, staying in chat rooms, looking outside at night to see if a planet would come hit the earth.

Another time, a lump on my ear, I became anxious it was skin cancer and I would need my ear cut off. Same thing, went to message boards, posted all over about it, visited webMD about 20 times per day. I went to visit a doctor who said it's nothing on my ear and I was still anxious and ended up going to two more doctors. One more, I am anxious about symptoms too like depersonalization, unreality feelings, palpitations, shaky hands to name a few.

Good news is my motto has become "I am strong" and it is true, I am strong.

05-08-2012, 09:33 AM
I was doing pretty good but it seems every time I'm not feeling well I fall back into the "what if" it's coming back what if I start shaking again what if it's something really serious or neurological that makes me shake? I swear between the dizzy eyes and the arm and hand shakes I'm losing control. I just want to be normal again. I just want to think healthy. I'm kicking the booze this week in hopes to kick it for good. I know I don't need it. But that still leaves me with the sensations head buzzing. Adrenaline zaps etc. I just wish all this crap never happened. I want my life back and to stop being an actor in my own world. It's such a deep hole don't you think? I used to be the one people called for support and let nothing affect me and now I'm useless and I'm afraid of being alone,especially when I'm with my little boy. I'm afraid I'll drop dead and he'll be alone and scared. This is the worst crap ever!!

05-08-2012, 03:28 PM
If you want to overcome anxiety you have to not smoke and not drink and get healthy! Buy a juicer and start juicing veggies. Alcohol after the effects wear off, will set up the perfect environment for adrenaline and panic. Cigarettes are like inhaling poison, poison that is bad for every aspect of your health including your heart and blood vessels. Stop alcohol and tobacco. Get past anxiety, then you can crack open a beer and celebrate.

05-08-2012, 03:33 PM
If you want to overcome anxiety you have to not smoke and not drink and get healthy! Buy a juicer and start juicing veggies. Alcohol after the effects wear off, will set up the perfect environment for adrenaline and panic. Cigarettes are like inhaling poison, poison that is bad for every aspect of your health including your heart and blood vessels. Stop alcohol and tobacco. Get past anxiety, then you can crack open a beer and celebrate.

I eat in order to make myself feel better. Any suggestions on this? I want to quit doing it but it's the anxiety. I workout on a daily basis too - I lift four days per week, and I do some sort of cardio activity every day. The weight gain is obviously not helping me. I do not smoke or drink - that's right - I do not drink.

05-08-2012, 05:21 PM
"I eat in order to make myself feel better. Any suggestions on this? I want to quit doing it but it's the anxiety."

You will just have to just stop eating and deal with the fear in the methods I and others have described on this forum. That's great you workout so much. Good job!

05-08-2012, 06:35 PM
"I eat in order to make myself feel better. Any suggestions on this? I want to quit doing it but it's the anxiety."

You will just have to just stop eating and deal with the fear in the methods I and others have described on this forum. That's great you workout so much. Good job!

Can you explain some ways to deal with it? I have looked around the forums but much I see is like deep breathing, etc.

I am taking Klonopin, seeing a psychologist doing CBT, and doing what they tell me to do.

05-09-2012, 05:01 AM
I am taking 0.5 of klonopin twice per day.

05-09-2012, 05:58 AM
It's been about three weeks now.

05-09-2012, 06:17 AM
If it is without a gap then your could be getting addicted to them . Your body needs more and more of these drugs to get the same effect.

Most likely not after only 3 weeks but it is not something you want to be using every day in order to control your anxiety . There is better ways .

So whats your problems and worries and what are you doing about them other than the drugs ??

I don't know I am anxious all day long and I do not feel safe. I am scared of everything. Anxious about being anxious.

I work out, bike ride, play video games, visit/go out with family (especially my mom), go out with friends. I have a psychologist I go to once a week and we are going to start doing CBT (I had my first session last week).

05-09-2012, 10:52 AM
Thanks,I find this post relaxing. I'm going to read it when I'm not feeling good. Your right. Everyone should learn to laugh at anxiety,since it isn't really happening.

05-09-2012, 01:53 PM
When you suffered did you get just random physical sensations/random dizziness etc... That's what I get and I fear the next sensation. I self medicate to calm the fear. Ie: wine and cigs then spend the next day in the complete dumps from the wine probably. I worry like hell I will die of lung cancer at 30 because my chest is heavy from a nights smoking then a few days later I do it again. I'm so stupid. I'm so scared a d tired of fearing fear and weird sensations in my head. I'm trying to just say fuck it but it's so hard. I don't want to die of cancer and leave my baby boy motherless. I'm rambling sorry. Thank you for any advice or reassurance

This post helps cause I do the same thing, I self medicate to calm the fear, the exact same thing. I use food though, it does make me feel better but I am sick of doing it!!

05-11-2012, 09:27 PM
Are you guys laughing yet?

05-11-2012, 09:39 PM
No I yearn for the day I can laugh

05-11-2012, 09:57 PM
I love this post. I am going to look at it too when I am feeling bad. I am either anxious, or I am laughing at my own anxiety and how stupid it is. Because I know its stupid. Usually I feel anxiety free (but I'll probably have major depression, which is MUCH better) or it's overwhelming, and I let it take its course. When I am not anxious I look back and I dont even get why I was anxious in the first place. Me and my mom try to laugh about our anxiety a lot, she tells me stories about her anxiety in college, and we crack up at it.

05-14-2012, 10:12 PM
You got to out bluff the bluff.

sarah lou
05-15-2012, 02:25 PM
Have you read the book 'fuck it' would highly recommend it :)