View Full Version : Daily headaches

05-07-2012, 01:04 PM
Does anybody else suffer from daily headaches? Mines lasted at least 6 years ( yes I no a long time) but over the past few months they have been terrible were they affect my eyesight, I don't feel sick or b sick with them and I've had my eyes tested and they are fine , im convinced I have something serious now as they come on even wen I'm not anxious , any advice please x

05-07-2012, 01:12 PM
it might be stupid - but could it have anything to do with dehydration?
maybe even lack of sleep?

i'm sure if it was something serious, then during the 6 years you've suffered - something probably would have came about by now??
have you been to the doctors? if so, what have they said?

05-07-2012, 01:24 PM
I drink water everyday so I no its not that but I have broken sleep almost everynite, I had a brain scan about 4 years ago that was fine, been to docs many times but all medication I get does nothing , it's just really draining having them everyday that's all and it's prob due to anxiety that I get everyday but even on really good days I get them aswel, it affects my eyesight till it eases off aswel x

05-07-2012, 01:49 PM
my sister had migraines everyday for aggggeeess!

they diagnosed her with an underactive thyroid, and gave her meds. but it didn't stop....later on she was diagnosed with diabetes.

how much water are you drinking? are you drinking enough?

i know when i have a lay in on a sunday, i wake up with a migraine from hell! it feels as though i've had a good drink the night before...only i don't drink!
it's because i haven't had my morning caffeine intake.

do you drink alot of caffeine?
just wondered, as i'm an addict...and if i go about 6 hours without one, my head starts twinging, if i don't have one within the next half hour of it starting - it goes to a full blown excrutiating migrane!

05-07-2012, 02:19 PM
I've been checked for diabetes and that was fine and thyroid was aswel but sometimes it comes back borderline but they say that's ok aswel, I don't drink coffee at all and only have 1 cup ov tea wen I get up and then that's not everyday but I do admit I do drink alcohol regular but not to the point were I drink loads though, I only drink water in the daytime , some days bottles ov it other days not so much

05-27-2012, 06:01 PM
Does anybody else suffer from daily headaches? Mines lasted at least 6 years ( yes I no a long time) but over the past few months they have been terrible were they affect my eyesight, I don't feel sick or b sick with them and I've had my eyes tested and they are fine , im convinced I have something serious now as they come on even wen I'm not anxious , any advice please x

I get headaches often so I understand. Are they worse in the heat? Mine are horrible in warm weather. I know sometimes food intolerances or allergies can cause headaches. I think you should go to a neurologist. I'm planning to go to one.