View Full Version : klonopin for anxiety

05-07-2012, 12:53 PM
A friend of my who doesn't need his full dose of klonopin let me try some of his. (I now for a fact that I have bad anxiety and if effects me everyday of my life) I already tell a huge difference only after a week or so of use. In every aspect of my life. I've been more involved with friends, my dad, my mom.. this is all people ive been avoiding and just feeling awkward around for some reason. Probably because I have felt myself. Hell I even have a couple beautiful girls interested in me the last week. I absolutely have enjoyed this week. I am more active at work instead of putting things off and waiting the last minute. My question is can I just go to general doctor and explain my situation and expect them to let me try klonopin? Or would this be teh worse thing in the world to do? I KNOW for a fact that this medication will do me wonders.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

I also do not use any other medication or drugs.


05-07-2012, 02:20 PM
I highly recommend you go to a psychiatrist for these meds as they are there for that sole reason and to provide other services for mental health.

05-07-2012, 02:35 PM
I highly recommend you go to a psychiatrist for these meds as they are there for that sole reason and to provide other services for mental health.

That's the problem I would love to go to a psychiatrist but i do not have insurance and there no way i can afford to continuously go to a psychiatrist.

05-07-2012, 02:49 PM
What I would do is tell your doctor you had a really bad panic attack when you were hanging out with your friend and they gave you one of their klonopins. And it worked. I wouldn't say I've been taking it for a week. I don't see why they would have a problem with that. Actually,it should make their job easier because otherwise they would have to keep trying you on different meds and having you keep coming back. I have a friend that has let me try their pills too,because I'm always reluctant to go to the doctor for some reason.

05-07-2012, 03:07 PM
I was addicted to Klonopins, one of the most addictive substances known to man. It took me a long time to wean off them and I went through withdrawals for a long time. This is not a cure fro anxiety. What happens is, soon the hypnotic effects will wear off, and you will need to up the dose. Soon the Klonopins will cause anxiety and before you know it, going 2 days without it will cause extreme withdrawal symptoms that will increase your anxiety and then you will need to take Klonopins which will cause anxiety and then take it away for some time. You are going about this all wrong. This is serious medication prescribed by doctors, not something you take to talk to women. Some people take Klonopins for anxiety, and they do so under a regulated dose by their doctor, and if they are smart, they take is only as needed, just to function, while they cure their anxiety by other means to eventually get off the klonopins.

Your anxiety is caused by your thoughts, your fears, and a stressed out nervous system. Cure those aspects and don't use addictive drugs that only offer a few hours of relief unless it is absolutely necessary and prescribed by a doctor.

05-07-2012, 05:41 PM
I have a prescription to take Klonopin twice a day at .5 mg a day and have had this dose for the past 5 months. Rarely will I take even more than 4 a week. I do not want to depend on it and only take them when I really "need" it.

05-07-2012, 08:05 PM
Go to the doc and tell him you were in a bad way. Explain out of desperation you tried some after reading up on them and talking with your anxious friend. You were relieved a great deal by klonopin and felt irresponsible taking any more w/o an RX and talking with a doc. He may want to try an ssri but that's a chance you have to take. If you take klonopin selectively to reduce anxiety and feel "normal" ....cool. If you take it for a "high" type feeling.....................you might be playing with fire. When used properly benzos can be a great med for anxious folks. A real live saver. Just don't abuse them.......you'll be sooooooorrrryyyyyyy if you do.
JK34 is doing it right. :) Alankay.