View Full Version : Agoraphobics and anxiety sufferers,better to live in town or country?

05-07-2012, 09:40 AM
Curious what your experiences are. I think it would be nice to be around people,stores,etc. Maybe that would kind of force a person to get past it or at least get more comfortable with it since your being exposed to people all the time. Living in the country is pretty lonely,especially if you don't want to leave the house most of the time. On the other hand,living in the city could possibly get overwhelming.

I'm going to be moving soon,and trying to decide what would be best. Currently I live in an apartment in a really small town off the freeway,and want to move to a small city.

05-07-2012, 08:44 PM
Going he non med route via slow desensitation and education via reading self help books("Don't Panic" by Reid Wilson is good)would be great. Practice deep breathing and progressive relaxation to help you cope as well.
Like me the use of an ssri med should prove helpful to cap the frequency and severity of anxiety attacks. I never could go med free completely. We all have our own paths to discover and follow. In time, you get used to be out and about and come to be fine with it.