View Full Version : Help Health stuff

Forrest Owl
05-06-2012, 04:16 PM
So I went to the track and I walked 3 miles like I do a few times a week. well when I got home I took a shower and then after that my head on the right side including behind my eye started throbbing with pressure and would get worse as I got up and down. so now I am afraid that maybe I have an aneurysm and something aggravated it. I had a ct scan on my head 3 years ago because I had a bad headache(which I found out was a spinal thing from the epidural I had) and the doc said there was no tumors or aneurysms, because I asked about that cause I was freaking out. but now I think I have an aneurysm. I am freaking out and have no one to talk to

05-06-2012, 05:20 PM
For starters STOP FREAKING OUT it will be nothing I had head aches pressure for 3 weeks iv got health anxiety bad & my doctor refused to give me any scans or anything now I dnt get head aches the slighst ache or pain I'm petrified but like my doctor said if something as serieous as that was wrong you would have more symtoms & they would get worse & worse stop worrying not easy I know x