View Full Version : feel like this isnt meant for me!!!

05-06-2012, 01:55 AM
Hi all...the pass few days I've had that foggy head feeling like im in a fish bowl.went into town to have a look round the shops,spent like 10minutes and got he bus straight back home.I feel like this isn't how I'm supposed to be,like it's just my body that is anxious and has all these symptoms but my mind is ok nd I no it's not the way I want to be. I've starting wondering is there any physical illness that is causing this?like when I had my first panic attacks my doctor did bloods and chest xray n basically said ya ya your fine and was sent on my way. Could there be an illness and all thisisn't anxiety at all??? but then I think that is the anxiety talking by making me think i've an illness.vicious circle really.what have people being tested for by their doctors and is it expensive?any advise would be appriciated xxx

05-06-2012, 05:45 AM

I could actually have not said that better myself, Kev.

Although I have really only been symptomatic for 3 months now, I have tried to learn about what has caused these symptoms, and also what an affect these symptoms have had on my thoughts of continual fear.

What people don't realise it is ongoing miss management of stress that causes our nervous system to be overactive. This in turn of course produces symptoms and the sensations we feel. What then happens are of course the fearful thoughts.

As mentioned, by working on reducing the overactive nervous system and learning about anxiety and fearful thoughts your will beat this BS.

I truly believe that even though I have only been suffering for 3 months (at least that is when I realized) by knowing this I am really improving.

Also Kev your comments have been really great.

Good luck and realise that patience and acceptance are key ingredients to helping oneself.

05-06-2012, 07:00 AM
Thank you for taking time to reply.i realy like your last comment kev....you really don't see it coming.I guess me and alot of people here look back on before the anxiety/panic attacks started and realy I was a nervous wreak for ages before and didn't think I was. Just wish there was an easy way of calming my nervous system down and keep it down.like I exercise and do relaxation tecniques and they realy work but then boom a few weeks later it's like I wake up one day and back in a anxious state.is it possible to calm our nervous systems down and keep it permanently down??? I realy hope so and all I can do is keep trying :)

05-06-2012, 07:23 AM
Well anxiety is anxiety. You can't make it "stay away". You have to learn all about anxiety and find the right mix of treatments/approaches that work best for you. Meds, counseling, education, exercise, relaxation, medication, deep breathing, healthy diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol, herbals, etc, and find what helps the most for you. Each patient is unique. Alankay