View Full Version : Hurts when i breath in deeply...

05-05-2012, 09:59 AM
Dk what it is... But when I beathe deep my right side chest hurts... Not a lot but it hurts enough to have me worried... Ive noticed at curtain positions if I'm laying down and I breath in deeply now it doesn't really hurt... But I'm still not sure... I keep thinking pneumothorax... Or collapsed lung... And it's Saturday and my doctor isn't open like always

05-05-2012, 10:07 AM
i get that all of the time. especially night times. i think it's just anxiety.
i find that if i lay on my side, on the side the pain is - the pain increases. whereas if i lay on the opposite side, it dies down a bit.

it's one of those things, where it is blatantly obvious there is some kind of pain - you worry about what it could be, which in turn just makes it worse... and so the cycle begins.