View Full Version : I had a bad panick attack today, driving home from work!!!

05-04-2012, 06:43 PM
Maybe it is all in my mind, maybe not. I have been panick attack free for 12 years, but now I am suffering. I don't remember how I got through it the first time but just a briefing of the 2 years I had it. Its started on December 16, my son's birthday. I started seeing zig zag lines, and followed by a headache but at the same time I was panicked. I went to the emergency room and they gave me something to relax me, but I was trembling so much to where I could not sleep. The next day I got real sensitive to sunlight and I felt I could not breathe. I had rapid heart beats to where I felt like I was having a heart attack. When I drive I had them to where my legs will get weak and I can't push the gas. I would pull over and freak out. I did not know what was wrong with me. I been to the ER over and over and lost so much weight to where I felt sorry for myself. I got myself together because I have kids and they depended on me. I decided to check myself into inpatient for observation because I thought I was bad off, but I got released. How I over came was by reading up and taking meds. I would ride out the panick attacks. But the first thing I did was get a clean bill of health to prove that it was all in my head. I started to push my way through it and It took me less than a year to get back focused and panick free. But here I am today. I am back to square 1 after all these years. I think it started with the death of my aunt, and she died at the age of 48 of a complications from her heart, lungs and other things. I started feeling like I am next. I fear that will I be looked over and suffer to die? This is a hard battle especially when your heart is involved because that is one of our main organs. I am going on my journey today and get better. I will go back and get on meds. even though I am taking clonapin for years, but I may need zoloft. This will not be easy. But I will let this page be my journal. I did have a panick attack yesterday because I took some metamucil tablets to treat my IBS. But I read the side effects of it and a couple of people state they had chest pains and 1 suffered a heart attack, and as soon as I saw that, I went into full blown panick attack. I had a panick attack 2 times today, one this morning but I was able to ride it out, but when I got off from work and on my way home, that one was terrible. I had to pull over and shaking uncontrollably, noone around me to help me but my goal was to get to my kids. I got my self to gether and made it home. I feel better now but I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, the start of my panick attacks due to anesthesia that was used, so I am scared that it will happen again. But I will go and face my fears. I will come back here tomorrow to post what happens. If anyone want to join in on this journal just post and we will keep each other posted and give each other strenghth through this. Goodbye for now.

05-05-2012, 12:41 AM
I read you and felt for you. I had done anxiety/ panic attacks done years ago but I dealt with them. Now a days I am having severe anxiety and even had a panic attack while driving that I had to pull on the shoulder of the highway to calm my nerves. I never able to calm myself by the breathing techniques. But someone on this forum had posted another technique to do during anxiety/ panic attacks. First you have to tell yourself it's fear, your body's wrong decision of fight and flight responses. You and only you can over come. So when you start to feel the coming of an anxiety attack , let loose, drop your head down and let it pass by you. Do nothing. You ll be fine. I have been using it and feeling much better. Also be happy of today and dont try to think about tomorrow. Good luck!

05-05-2012, 01:16 PM
I went to the dentist today and could not go through the proceedure, I was ready but because my heart was racing so, I told them I am not ready and will call when I am ready. I heard the dentist say Lidocain, which I thought was the anesthesia with epenephrine, so I was upset and left. The dentist was upset to and told me next visit I will have happy gas, bad choice. I am already epenephrine filled and at the height of all adreneline and do not need anything else. But I got home and read that there is lidocain without the epenephrine so i felt bad, because he state he would not give me the epenephrine from the start but because he said lidocain, I thought he was trying to hurt me. All i can say is one day at a time. I will go back in a month so everyone can calm down. I know I need to calm down. I am tired from the panick attacks, very unbarerable. I feel like a total cookoo right now. I just want to go back to normal, uuugggghhhhhh. I think with my body being like this now, it may not respond to the real emergency situations because I am exhausted. Day 3 I had panick attack today but I rode it out, not so bad.

05-05-2012, 04:34 PM
Don't feel bad because you couldn't go through with the procedure today...just go back and try again. Everything has to be baby steps right now....and maybe, it sounds like you shouldn't be reading the side effects for the over the counter meds it seems like it just makes you more anxious and causes your panic attack. I am currently just starting Zoloft too, I'm on day 4, and while I am having some minor side effects, they are not so terrible that I can't take it.......hang in there....you can do it....we all just have to support one another!

05-07-2012, 08:21 PM
Day 5, I had a panick attack today while at work, I rode it out, it didn't last long so I am proud of myself from not getting over stimulated. I breathe and continued what I was doing. It was hard for me not to lose control but I made it, so hopefully I can keep going with Day 6 an even better day. I am determined to beat this and make it go away. I had some chest pain driving home but I felt it may have been some anxiety and panick but I was not over worked up. I made it home. I have an appointment to the psychiatrist tomorrow for new meds, possibly zoloft. I dont want to but I will take it temporarily until this goes away.

05-08-2012, 02:58 PM
Good job, you just have to take everything step by step. I just started Zoloft also about 6 days ago. It hasn't been bad at all so far...it is actually amazing, considering how hypersensitive I am to most meds. I had a rough day today....woke up with chest pain....but I am still trying my best to keep positive.