View Full Version : i dare anyone to speak of hope in my case :)

05-04-2012, 09:58 AM
im 18 years old you might call me pain
as i first wroth some threads i'v seen that lots of people have hope to be cured
but not in my case
i live in a small town i was born in probléms ! poor but yet proud ! my familly doesn't really believe in such thing as anxiety
i was the only one who falled to anxiety in our whole familly . it's almost a year now that i was fighting it i can now controll panic attacks how ever the tool i use im almot sure nobody would believe it
i use depression.sadness to make me controll panic attacks! but even so my anxiety is more stronger ! i cannot afford to have a mental doctor! i cannot afford to even get a medicament ! im alone fighting it ! i'v stoped telling my foxes about it 7 months ago !i changed .my personality changed! i'v became more darker more sad more angry about faith life and all sort of things! i always ask the same question .why me i only wanted to help my familly all what i asked from god wa to help me to make a better life for my familly ! to delete this curse called being poor from our existance! but yet it had to go this worst.if i was alone ! if i didn't have any responsabilty i would have commited suicide ! im pretty sure that it's the expected result from all this! but yet i m the bigg brother i have my familly and i cannot go coward on them! i was strong that it was ! but yet everything that has a begining has an end ! i can feel it day by day im getting weaker ! troubles in memory ! ! and all the other painfull symptoms consedering anxiety
but yet i think that i should get used to it and accept it
cuz after all
this is somehow and as much sad as it appears to be
the new

05-04-2012, 10:52 AM
........... I didnt see anything in there that was bad enough to make the title seem like it was the end for you... If you asked god anything and you don't think he answered you he did just not what you wanted... Everybody's different everyone had there own problems.. If everyone could just go to god for there problems and he/ she/ it helped every time people would learn nothing... He would have created such a wonderfull horrifying invention such as the human brain for nothing... You live and you learn you laugh and you love.. You walk with your own two feet so instead of making remarks about how bad your doing because of anxiety.. Just use your anxiety.. Your body wants to push adrenaline into your body ... FINE... Run around the blood like your scared of something and let everyone see it... Fuck anxiety... Anxiety ain't shit but a feeling of rush... So go with the wind bullseye

05-04-2012, 04:45 PM
Excellent answer forwells.

05-04-2012, 07:54 PM
I understand what you are going through because I am going through it myself. You said the keyword, there is someone in your life that you want to be here for and that will make you stronger and fight through it. The thing is understanding what it is, the symptoms and that will ease your mind. I have been through anxiety before, and went with out years of it. But now the anxiety is back. I have panick attacks, and all. I can't sit at home and hide like i want to because I work. But I have to fight through this and it will not be easy but everything will get better with time.;)

05-05-2012, 02:58 AM
We all understand how you are feeling , I've certainly been there .

Please don't think of taking your life , if those thoughts are crowding your mind you must speak out !!

I got to the point where I attempted to take my life , I survived & the consequences of what I did are enormous !!

Now 6 months on , I'm still suffering with anxiety & depression but I hold on to the fact that , every thing passes , I won't always be this way , I also put my faith in god .

Just keep going & if you need to talk feel free to pm me .

Take care everyone :-) xx

05-05-2012, 06:43 AM
thanks for sharing this link forwells !!