View Full Version : Feel like such a low life!!

05-02-2012, 08:32 PM
I'm just so anxious and depressed! I just had a baby 4 months ago and me and my husband live with his parents which is okay FOR NOW with us. But I just feel like we are mooching off of them, my husband isn't ready to move out yet. We wouldn't make it financially. I try to help out with anything I can for his parents because I feel so awful. My hubby wrks with his father and his business, I'd like him to get a better paying job but his dad always complains that he needs him to wrk for him but it's not getting us anywhere!! My daughter is on welfare insurance so I feel even more just embarrassed! I hate this feeling of guilt like I should go get a job but I need to be home with my daughter and raise her, I want to be a good mommy. Its driving me crazy to feel this way.

05-02-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi :)

Sorry to see your going through a tough time of it at the moment, have you spoken to your husband about your concerns? maybe you could both sit down with his parents and outline your financhial worries? how does your hubby feel about this situation?

trying not to bombard you with questions, apologies

Congratulations on your baby girl :)

warmest regards


05-02-2012, 10:59 PM
Ty so much! My hubby says it won't b like this forever. And his parents love us living with them but I can't help but feel lazy or idk just awful n a lowlife.

05-03-2012, 07:18 AM
I'm sure your family dont see you this way, i have the same problem, i moved back in with my family to save money as i have found it pretty hard to find work and i felt guilty as i wasnt contributing, so i'd cook for them, or bake them a cake, little thank yous i guess, so at least i felt like i did something for them and not myself. Its perfectly natural for you to feel uneasy in this situation, i hope it gets better for you soon!! :) I'm glad to see hubby is being supportive of it all too, hard to find a man that understands.

05-03-2012, 04:47 PM
Ty so much! I just don't want ppl to think we lazy ppl that mooch of his parents cuz a lot c it that way

05-03-2012, 05:18 PM
Well until they are in the same identical scenario they have no right to comment, your doing what you can to enable financial security for your family in the future, sod anyone else's opinion (I really hate judging ppl) your being sensible and logical about it :)

05-03-2012, 07:06 PM
Ty very much! I'm feeling a bit better now :)

05-03-2012, 08:05 PM
No worries :) your not alone.

I'm glad you feel a little better :) you can always pm me if you need to vent. It's good to stick together.

Take care
