View Full Version : New and Anxious

05-02-2012, 02:15 PM
I'm so glad I found this place. I have suffered from anxiety all my life but it's only gotten really bad for about a year. I'm home from work today because I had a cough and I went to the doctor. He gave me some antibiotics for for my tight cough but I am sitting here worrying that I have lung cancer. I'm planning for my death and picturing my young kids and husband living without me. I recognize that it is just my anxiety but I can't stop the thoughts. All of last month I was worried about my brother who is a 2 time cancer survivor because they found spots on his lungs at his last check up. Before I found out about my brother I was fixated about my youngest son having FAS because I drank one night before I found out I was pregnant with him 4 years ago. It never stops. I am on pristiq but I don't think it's working.

Someone please tell me I'm not going to DIE!!!