View Full Version : Planes, trains and automobiles

05-02-2012, 02:00 PM
Anyone else have a horrible fear when using transport??

Its probably in the top five most horrifying things for my anxiety, i absolutely feel like im going to die or something incredibly awful is going to happen to me or the car/train/plane im in!!!!

I have to get a plane, alone in less then 2 weeks and its already effecting my daily care (sleep, appetite)

I dont know what to do :(

05-02-2012, 02:21 PM
Highway crashes and airplanes. I also have fear when someone I love is flying or driving on the highway. I haven't flown in 5 years but I really need a vacation so I am hoping I can soon.

05-02-2012, 08:56 PM
how do you deal with it, like when your in a car for instance?

05-03-2012, 12:11 PM
I worry about that too. I just have to take a ton of reading material with me and try to keep myself occupied.

05-03-2012, 01:03 PM
My fear is a metro, each time I find myself in a metro carriage I start getting short of breath, constant yawning. I have to take a metro twice a day: to and from work. Always eagerly waiting for a weekend. They say a good drink of alcohol helps to get throuhg it, but you can quickly turn into an addict.

05-03-2012, 01:17 PM
As far as flying goes, DRUGS. It's not an answer to everything, but popping a single pill can make it a much more pleasant experience.

1mg of Ativan works wonders for flight anxiety. Out of no where I had a huge panic attack while flying, and had to take a return flight the next day. Getting off the plan upon arrival, I swore I would be taking a bus back! I went to an urgent care clinic and he gave me one ativan. Took it about 45 minutes before the flight and was totally fine flying back. Was smiling, took a nap. Didn't feel messed up or anything, just totally not anxious and a bit drowsy.

That was awhile ago, and my anxiety has spiked recently. I'm totally fine when driving a car, but get a little shaky when someone else is. Taking the el (subway) is slightly uncomfortable (especially when it gets super crowded), but it's not like flying- It stops every other minute, there are emergency exits everywhere, and you are on the ground.

05-04-2012, 07:06 AM
I have massive flying phobia. MASSIVE! To the point where I have constant nightmares about planes and plane crashes. They happen 1-2 times or more per week. I used to think it was a by-product of 9/11, but my irrational fear actually came from that stupid movie 'Final Destination'(2000).

I even get scared of planes flying overhead! I blame my phobia on my recurring nightmares (stupid, vivd, crazy dreams) rather than bad experiences flying. I have only had two bad flights in my life. It's hard to get on a plane and be completely calm when you have nightmares about them constantly.

What helped me was taking control of my fear by learning all about planes. I have seriously watched every episode of air crash investigation and every documentary on types of plane and how they're built. They are not only fascinating machines, but as I'm sure you know they are the safest form of transport!

I also downloaded planefinder, which is a cool little app that tells me which planes are flying overhead (I live under a flight path and work near an airport and the RAF base), where they came from, where they are going etc. I don't know why it helps, but it does!

With the help of Valium, I can fly. I'm not 100% comfortable and am usually very tense. I HATE take off, but am usually fine once we reach altitude.

On one of the bad flights which had a horrible turbulent take off through a rainstorm at night, i freaked a little bit, but my sister quietly told the stewardess that I was an anxious flyer and she was really understanding and chatted to me until I felt better.

It's a struggle, but I live in Australia and if I want to go to any other city or country, we have to fly there! You have to live your life. And I find the more I fly, the easier it gets.

05-04-2012, 08:38 AM
Meds fpr travel is your and you docs choice. I use valium and it works well. Others feel they need to do without and that's thier choice. Meds are not an answer per se. It's part of the medical side for control of symtpoms to maximize "normality" of life as mich as reasonable. Other things go into an over all strategy(relaxation, reading self help books, pyschotherapy, etc) but I use the med since I feel I need top be responsible to make sure my problem causes not others problems by me having panic attacks while on "their time".
It's your choice. If you can and want to do without...cool If not take a benzo at the proper dose, etc, and enjoy the trip. Alankay.

05-04-2012, 09:11 AM
I have also used xanax to fly, and it made the flight much more tolerable. Actually, its just the takeoff that I need help with...once we reach altitude and during the landing, I am fine.