View Full Version : What are your biggest frustrations?
Dale King
05-02-2012, 11:51 AM
So living with anxiety sucks, we all know that. I have had substantial experience with it and have overcome it in my life and im working now on helping others.
What i want to know is what are your biggest frustrations? what are you struggling to cope with specifically?
Pharmaceuticals not helping?
Nobody Understands what its like?
crippling social life?
im intrigued to know what people need help with from someone who has personally beat it, as opposed to someone who read about it in a book and has a degree on it.
05-02-2012, 01:49 PM
I could give you a list of my fears if you like....
05-02-2012, 01:49 PM
my fears are my frustrations fyi :)
05-02-2012, 02:06 PM
Hey can you help me, I don't know to be honest, I am anxious about being anxious. Like most people on here can come and say well I'm anxious because my hearts beating but I don't even know, I am anxious about being anxious. Like I am just anxious all day long non stop 24/7 and I don't feel safe.
05-02-2012, 02:49 PM
My frustrations are:
I shut down when I feel anxious. I can't get anything done or focus on anything.
All me fears are frustrating. I can't stop the horrible thoughts.
The drugs that I'm taking- Pristiq doesn't work (that is what I'm on right now) Cipralex worked but it was the side effects that I couldn't live with...
05-02-2012, 04:03 PM
Most crippling fears:-/
I'm a crap mum
I'm a crao wife
I have suffered so long & tried so many things,it's hard to keep going
I fear the worst
I am ashamed
I feel guilty
I feel so very lonely
I feel sad
I feel afraid
I feel angry
I feel Mis understood
I feel helpless
I feel hopeless
I feel stupid
I feel worthless
I feel like this has gone on so long , I'll always be like this.
I feel ashamed of the way I am
I feel worn out
I feel numb
I have been crying for -15 years
I am fed up with myself
I've wasted my life
That's just to mention a few .
05-03-2012, 05:34 AM
My biggest frustration with anxiety is this:
I'll have a good week, a really good week with minimal symptoms and problems and then WHAM out of the blue - panic attack. No predictable triggers, sometimes in even in the comfort of my own home.
It takes all of the confidence I am struggling to build out of the equation and every time I have a massive anxiety attack I feel like I have to pick myself up and start from scratch again.
I feel like I'm on a roller coaster!
05-03-2012, 09:44 AM
I actually get frustrated with myself , fed up with myself !!.
Anxiety has stopped me having a life , I feel angry that I have this .
I can relate to how you feel , if I have a good day or week , I am so disappointed when it rears its ugly head again .
Anxiety & depression are crippling , they take so much from you .
If anyone wants to talk feel free to pm me
Jessy x
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