View Full Version : Anxiety and memory problems?

05-02-2012, 04:38 AM
Hiya guys,

New to this forum, looks good! I have anxiety myself, GAD, but have been noticing problems with short-term memory. From what I read, it is linked to anxiety. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem?

Thank you!

05-02-2012, 06:00 AM
Hiya , this is something I suffer from !!.
I feel I'm replying to most things , as I suffer from most of the things people are talking about .
Dizziness , fatigue , muscle twitches ,the lot !!

Memory loss is a big one for me , I am on lorazapam & have been for a few years , at one point I was on a very high dose . (now only very low) . This has caused me to loose my short term memory , some things I have absolutely no memory of happening ???!

This frightens me to death if I'm honest !!
My long term memory is very good , short term is terrible .

Are you on medication ?

Sometimes I thing the stress & anxiety over a long time can easily fill up your mind so much that you can loose memory of things that have been said or done etc .

Jessy :-)

05-02-2012, 08:08 AM
Hiya , this is something I suffer from !!.
I feel I'm replying to most things , as I suffer from most of the things people are talking about .
Dizziness , fatigue , muscle twitches ,the lot !!

Memory loss is a big one for me , I am on lorazapam & have been for a few years , at one point I was on a very high dose . (now only very low) . This has caused me to loose my short term memory , some things I have absolutely no memory of happening ???!

This frightens me to death if I'm honest !!
My long term memory is very good , short term is terrible .

Are you on medication ?

Sometimes I thing the stress & anxiety over a long time can easily fill up your mind so much that you can loose memory of things that have been said or done etc .

Jessy :-)

Hi Jessy, thanks for your response. I'm not on medication, but was a few years back. My long-term memory is good too, just not great with the short-term. Not all of the time, but at times. Worrying, but I'm sure it's directly linked to the anxiety. Losing my train of thought is another thing. Does this happen you too? Hope you get better soon!!

05-02-2012, 08:15 AM
I have had very similar experiences with short term memory. I find that I often lose my train of thought and also struggle to find the right words.

I am on medication, which definitely has an impact, but I have noticed that cutting out caffeine has made it a little worse. I'm hoping that this is temporary!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one!

05-02-2012, 09:29 AM
Hi to you both ,
Yep I loose my train of thought very easily .its part & parcel of anxiety . Your mind is so full of thoughts , worry , anxiety , it's hard to concentrate .

This in turn adds to guilt for me. I am mum to my 2 wonderful boys & I feel guilty because I can not be the mum I want to be for them .

I love them both more than anything in the word

Yet I can't be what I should be

Hope to god they don't grow to be men & hate me :-(

05-02-2012, 12:31 PM
Hi to you both ,
Yep I loose my train of thought very easily .its part & parcel of anxiety . Your mind is so full of thoughts , worry , anxiety , it's hard to concentrate .

This in turn adds to guilt for me. I am mum to my 2 wonderful boys & I feel guilty because I can not be the mum I want to be for them .

I love them both more than anything in the word

Yet I can't be what I should be

Hope to god they don't grow to be men & hate me :-(

I'm sure they won't Jessy!! I'm sure you're a great mum. :) I'm just interested in others experiences on this memory/train of thought thing. I think it's also worth putting it in context though (it's easy to freak out when you have anxiety). Many people who don't have anxiety have poor memory. I know quite a few around me personally who would remark on how poor their memory is. And everyone loses their train of thought at some point, right? So, lessen the anxiety and surely these problems, too, lessen, I imagine. Easier said than done though eh.

05-02-2012, 04:38 PM
Yep , I hope so
Thank you :-) x

05-02-2012, 04:55 PM
I went thru a stage Afew weeks ago I have health anxiety so when I was reading brain tumor symtoms and noticed memory loss I straight away thought I think I am so the more I worried & focused onit the more I noticed now now I dnt think of it I don't think I was losing my memory my doc told me the more you are in your own head the more you will focus on nothing else x

Justin S.
05-02-2012, 08:32 PM
This has been very bad for me . Lately I have had bad short term memory because of my anxiety, and bad anxiety because it scares me that I'm forgetting such simple things. It's one of those cycles that we all know about that anxiety disorders get us into.

05-03-2012, 04:09 PM
Totally agree Justin!