View Full Version : meditation

01-17-2007, 04:38 PM
Hi, I'm a 25 year old female who deals with anxiety on a regular basis. Any women out there who've tried meditation or yoga to deal with their daily stress? I'd love to hear your experiences.

01-17-2007, 10:40 PM
Neither have worked for me. I can't stop my mind from racing. Quiet time sitting indian style on a hard floor is like torture. All I was left with was a behind that had fallen asleep and a good solid hour of just me and my own thoughts about bills, tuition, my waist size, work, etc., and got to pay for it.

Some say it works though.....give it a shot..you never know!

01-18-2007, 03:52 AM
It's true some meditiation techniques are uncomfortable. But more modern techniques can be done in any position, sitting on a sofa, a chair at work or school or laying in bed. They can be very effective in treating anxiety, the tension relaxation techniques, breathing techniques etc. which we use for anxiety are all derived from ancient medition techniques. We are after all just meditating on our breathing. So if you think it will work try it.

Tai-chi can also be effective.

Duncan [/img]