View Full Version : I Finally took the Zoloft!!

05-01-2012, 07:34 PM
Ok, so after months of looking at the Zoloft box, I finally broke down today and took it. Immediately after taking it though, I freaked out and had a panic attack. Of course, the feeling of my heart racing and feeling like I couldn't breath made me believe that I was having an allergic reaction. After about 10 minutes, I calmed down..and things didn't seem quite so bad.....I am really hoping that Zoloft will help me break this anxiety. I'm taking Buspar also along with the Zoloft. Are any of you taking this combo with any success?

05-02-2012, 12:49 AM
Ah, I was the same way for a while about my lexapro. Very anxious about taking it. Glad you got through the panic attack. Now we just have to wait for it to kick in :)

05-02-2012, 01:00 AM
Well this is a good example of the root of your problem. The Zoloft didn't give you a reaction, it was all in your mind leading to fear leading to a release of adrenaline with the fight or flight response. I'd take a look at that if I were you.

05-03-2012, 12:15 PM
So, day 3 on the Zoloft/ buspar combo...it seems like it is going well so far, and even though I know it is way too early to be feeling any benefit from the zoloft, but somehow I do feel better.....at least today anyway.........

05-03-2012, 12:56 PM
At the beginning of my panic attacks and anxiety i was prescribed by the therapist to take zoloft and I would regularly take it for three months. That was a terrible periiod in my life. On the one hand I stopped panicing and felt quite ok, but on the other hand I felt I was turning in a vegetable, no joy in life, no any sense a normal human being would have. Complete indifference to a world that surrounded me. I quit this drug and tried to do without it and had a success. By the by I forgot to mention that while taking Zoloft the was always a sort of lump in my chest. Later on the anxiety returned to me. Now I am taking Grandaxin and it is quite mild but constant yawning chasing me.

05-03-2012, 06:40 PM
At the beginning of my panic attacks and anxiety i was prescribed by the therapist to take zoloft and I would regularly take it for three months. That was a terrible periiod in my life. On the one hand I stopped panicing and felt quite ok, but on the other hand I felt I was turning in a vegetable, no joy in life, no any sense a normal human being would have. Complete indifference to a world that surrounded me. I quit this drug and tried to do without it and had a success. By the by I forgot to mention that while taking Zoloft the was always a sort of lump in my chest. Later on the anxiety returned to me. Now I am taking Grandaxin and it is quite mild but constant yawning chasing me.
Trinidiva, don't read too far into this. Experiences like this are rare. They wouldn't prescribe it if this happened to everyone.

If this review scared you read some of these- http://www.drugs.com/comments/sertraline/zoloft-for-panic-disorder.html

24 people rated it an 8,9, or 10 out of 10 for treating panic disorder. Only 10 people rated it less than 7. Only 3 less than 5.

05-04-2012, 06:40 AM
Personally I had a great experience with Zoloft. There is a reason that it is the most prescribed antidepressant and that is because it works, it has few side effects and 99% of people who take it don't experience any problems with it at all.

I had a nice 'placebo' effect initially. I did get the numbness and zombie feeling - but I blame that more on my depression than the drug because it only lasted for a few weeks (after the placebo feeling of elation wore off) and it went away as the SSRI kicked in.

I'm assuming that you're seeing a therapist too? Make some notes of any good/bad/interesting things you notice about your moods or side effects if you get any.

You have take a BIG step towards getting over this and getting your life back. Well done!

05-04-2012, 06:51 AM
Thanks everyone! Ok, I think I'm starting to experience some of the side effects.....not unbearable, just annoying. I seem to have diarrhea and feel slightly nauseated. Is this normal? I'm trying not to dwell on it too much....just drinking some ginger ale and eating some crackers.For those of you who have experienced the side effects, how long did they last? As far as my actual anxiety, I am still feeling pretty good..........I feel like I've had more energy to do things, and my mood seems better..like the meds are kind of giving me a little jolt....I just hope the upset stomach/bowels feeling disappears soon...

05-05-2012, 04:37 PM
So, the nausea seems to have passed, I did need to break down and take 1/2 xanax today though....still hanging in there though.....I'm hoping this Zoloft works!!!!