View Full Version : New to this

05-01-2012, 06:07 PM
Hi everyone,

My name is Phil, I'm 22 years old and for the last 5 long years I have been battling depression and anxiety. Now it is more just the anxiety. I've never posted on a forum before, but after reading a lot of the posts on here, I've managed to build up the courage to post, part take and hopefully it will be for the best.
My depression started just after high school finished. For the last year of high school I was in a relationship that ended pretty badly, basically I lost all my school friends and really only had my childhood friends, which can be counted on 1 hand. Went through a drug stage, mainly relying on bud (Marijuana) to zone me out from reality and what I feeling. After 2 or so years of this self abuse I sought medical help after finally admitting I had a problem (problems as it turns out). With the help and support of my mother and sister I went into counselling, seeing a Psychiatrist, Psychologist and then a couple of alternative therapies my mum brought to my attention. Things were starting to get better, I wasn't as anxious or depressed. I then began a job with Telstra (Who i now know to be the devil lol) as a call centre operator, stayed there for another 2 years. But in my time there my anxiety shot up from mild to unbelievably severe, even though I was working out in the gym after work and trying to get back out into the social world. It came to a point where I was having to take a week or more off work at a time because my doctor and I thought I was going to loose it very soon. Anyway start off 2011, after a week or two of building up my nerves, I quit my job to try and get myself together. For the first couple of weeks it was going well, strong, positive and confidence was returning. Mind you I was on medication at this time and before, started with Zoloft 100Mg two per day which made me feel dumb, drained and more anxious.? After switching from that to Aropax and then another one I can remember at the moment I decided to try cope without any, which went well for a while.
I started a new job with a reputable company (which i wish not to name on here or defame) and the anxiety came back straight away. My anxiety is a mixture of feelings really; Sadness, Loneliness, stress, unknown guilt, Frustration with myself and an overall hate for myself. I do not sleep much maybe 1-3 hours a night if I'm lucky. It's killing me slowly I can feel it.

I used to be a outgoing, confident and happy person, but these days I'm shy, fearful, angry and anxious about everything. I used to be able to make new friends wherever I went as I have always been mature for my age, now though I'll meet a new person (male or female) and I can follow up after that first introduction. Sometimes in these situations I have a feeling of "Just leave it, they were probably just being nice yesterday" as if me trying to say "hello" is going to be an inconvenience to them. When it comes to girls, well that's even harder for me. I haven't been in a relationship since high school or had any close friends that are girls. Had a couple of dates here and there but all went the same way, get there, lips quivering, dry mouth, self doubt, sweats and instead of being confident I'm quiet and shy. Most of the time the thoughts that come to mind either before the date or during are "What is she possibly going to find interesting about me? That I've been a loser for the last 5 years?" "Maybe I should just say bye and sorry for wasting your time now?". This is most concerning for me as I used to be good with the ladies, not just relationships but friendships, now I honestly feel like I'm going to be alone forever, like my chance for happiness has past and I didn't even see it.

Sorry for those who are reading this, I know I'm rambling.
Basically now I'm at a point where I don't know what to do, or where to turn for help. As I mentioned I've tried counselling, psychiatrist's and the like with no long turn improvement. From the post on here that I have read, it seems I fall into most of the categories on this site so not sure if people will relate to my whole situation but any responses or advice would be appreciated and I thank you in advance.
Really I'm on here in the hope to get some advice from people and to possibly meet some new people.
Besides all of the bad things I've posted in this today, I still am a good person, just lost if anything.
Thanks for reading.

Kindest regards

05-01-2012, 08:49 PM

Firstly welcome to 'the safe haven'. So sorry to see your last few years have been so hard on you. I myself can relate to some of what your going through and are feeling, ive had anxiety and depression for 8 years now. I will be more then happy to share my experiences or answer any questions you may have, im a very open book so not a problem if it means helping you. How is work for you atm? its nice to see you have support from your family :) do you think you have 'triggers' that set you off? work is also very hard for me most of the time, have been in and out of it since this all begun, also have lost many friends, and like you only have the friends i made 20 years ago left, but most of them dont understand or relate.

Your not alone, i find so much comfort on here, everyone can relate and had empthy for how your feeling.

i check on here really often so if youd like a chat, that'd be cool with me

Take care phil


05-01-2012, 08:54 PM
*********not 8, 6 years, apologies*****

05-02-2012, 12:48 AM
Hi Phil , I have read your story & can also relate to what you are going through .
I'm currently off work , have also lost my friends & feel very sad & lonely .
I've only recently joined on here & I have found it helpful to know I'm not alone , I've suffered for 15 years on & off . If you want to talk I'm here to talk & make friends :-)

05-02-2012, 02:26 AM
Hi Phil,

I just read your thread and it sounds like your in a very bad place just now.

You sound a little bit depressed. Thoughts like there's nothing interesting about you and you've missed your chance in life often come with depression. Are you on any antidepressant medication? this might help for a bit if your not.

Also exercise can help if you feel up to it (though I do understand if you don't).

Use of alcohol and other drugs can make symptoms much worse so I would avoid them (if your not allready).

Also a good way to start to feel better can be to start to "treat" yourself better. What I mean by that is to start to tell yourself you are WORTH looking after and acting accordingly e.g by doing things you enjoy doing (or used to enjoy).

I hope things improve for you.

07-22-2012, 11:35 PM
Hey there, you are not alone in here, thats one thing for sure.

I hope that you find the help and support to get well again.