View Full Version : Exercises for Anxiety?

05-01-2012, 12:13 PM
Does anyone have any remedies/exercises/diet suggestions for anxiety/panic attacks?

Any and all information is greatly appreciated.

05-02-2012, 01:06 AM
Yoga, yoga and more yoga. It is hard at first, but just go at your own pace and soon it will be much easier. It's not a race. Just enjoy it. Lot so fpositive peopel ina calming and positive environment that is great for anxiety. Whole grains, lean proteins, lots of veggies and some fruit. Chamomile tea.

05-02-2012, 02:11 AM
Any aerobic exercise is good. 30 mins a day walking, cycling, swimming etc is great as it releases calming chemicals in your brain and helps burn off excess adrenaline. Yoga is good too as it helps you to slow down your breathing at the same time as doing gentle exercise.

Dale King
05-02-2012, 11:45 AM
I just wrote a post on this actually, outlining the effects exercise has on anxiety and stress.

best advice i can give you mate is cardio, every morning (its when cortisol (Stress) hormones are at the highest) doesnt have to be intense and you certainly dont have to run 10k. anything will do as long as it gets the heart rate up.

If you stick to this every morning for a week i guarantee you'll feel better.

Also, try mixing it up a bit so you dont get bored with it, running, rowing machine, brisk walk, swimming, shadow boxing, anything!

05-02-2012, 12:50 PM
I was very much into the gym & did really well , going 4+ times a week . Enjoyed it & did feel the bennifts , amazing , loved it !!

Then in November 2011 , had a life changing experience & now can't go to the gym , I want to , but I can't , I want to get back into it , I'm so anxious and Been away since November ,I know so many people on my village & know they will be talking about me ,

I had a car crash in nov 2011

I'm a mum

I am totally isolated & alone , due to my anxiety & depression ,

I am so desperate for company to help me get back out into society ,

Once upon a time I was a confident , happy , " normal " girl .

I'm 31 yrs old now & I have accepted , I'll always suffer anxiety , I was anxious as far back as I can remember !! 4/5 yr old.

I've learnt to accept & deal with anxiety , I'm an expert by now !!

Depression is a different matter ,
The two together is something I am finding incredibly hard

05-02-2012, 01:23 PM
have to agree with most of the posters!! aerobic exercises, running, walking, swimming, biking, etc. I will say that strength conditioning
is a great anxiety reliever. A mixture of cardio and weight lifting will set your brain chemicals in a good place, imho!

05-02-2012, 01:49 PM
Although cardio and weight lifting are great. many anxiety sufferers feel it's too much for them, especially when their heart rates go up. In this case, yoga is perfect. It is not a gentle exercise, it is a true workout, and the environment it is in, is much more welcoming that having to pound weights. You can start off gentle and slowly build up, but yoga can be a full on sweaty workout in the right class if you really try your hardest. Don't worry, you can also start of very calming and easy of you need to.

If you can, weight lifting and 30 minutes of cardio should be done, but if this isn't for you, you can do yoga 3-4 times a week first. Then when you do cardio and weights, keep up the yoga as it is healthy on so many levels!

05-02-2012, 04:51 PM
Thank you everyone for the wonderful advice. I discovered Celestial Sleepytime tea is a WONDERFUL natural soother for anxiety. I will definitely get back into yoga or even just walking every other day. The anxiety and often panic sometimes just cause me to ball up on the couch with a heating pad on my back or a cool cloth on my face. Temperature changes really help me for some reason but I know I need to get active again. It's really hard though. Thank you again everyone.