View Full Version : Anxiety about world ending

Dave G
05-01-2012, 06:23 AM
I'm editing this post, because there doesn't seem to be a way to 'delete' it.

I haven't posted on here for years now. A lot has changed in that period, and when I read my old posts I don't like what I see. It reminds me of the more anxious me - the me that I hated.

I'd prefer to use this account as a way to start replying to and helping others, rather than it being a reminder of sadder days - not to mention the potential career liability that I feel it is now.

05-01-2012, 07:29 AM
I understand we're ur coming from to a certain degree, I'm an anxious person myself and I think about the world ending quite a lot , I wouldn't say everyday but still often, it is very scary to think about coz I have kids I get worried to think if it does happen I'm never gunna get to see them grow into adults and have family's ov there own , I for one will b bricking it nearer the time and no doubt if it doesn't end I will kick myself in wasting time dwelling on it, so until then I'm just gunna enjoy life everyday to the most I can just incase :)

05-01-2012, 08:46 AM
I didn't know it was this year that the world was gonna end... I thought it was last year in which case we've all survived it or if we havnt then were all oblivious to it... So what's to worry about?

Seriously though I would visit your doctor and discuss medication with him / her. They might have a recommendation. If people are bothered with intrusive thoughts like this sometimes they give them a *tiny* dose of an antipsychotic to take the edge off it. Not because they're psychotic but just to help calm you down.

bryan kellogg
05-01-2012, 09:14 AM
If You are scared How about the world Ending Here's something to think about En 47 BC leap year was added to the calendar as you know in t year 1 day was added every 4 years the mayan calendar did not have leap year on it and I we would have to subtract all those days from our calendar the end date would have already passed if you google in what year did leap year start it would say n 47 bc and thats thousands of years ago so a lot of people think the mayan end date has already passed it is something to think about

Dale King
05-02-2012, 12:06 PM
why not try re-framing it?

This may seem like a totally left field approach but if you get a hold of it, it could be one of the best things that every happens to you.

just a thought - (and call me crazy, but some of the most inspired people ive met are in the same situation as you just handle it differently) - try this.

say to yourself "Ok, so the world IS ending in december, that gives me a grand total of 7 months to do EVERYTHING i have ever wanted to do before we all die"

imagine the year you will have if you said "F**k it" and went skydiving, learnt to play guitar, learnt to fly, went to see the 7 wonders, went jetski-ing in tahiti or whatever! then when you get to december and the clock ticks over to january 2013 you can top it all off by celebrating twice as hard on new years eve.

Re-framing can be a powerful tool for combatting anxiety... and may just change your life

05-02-2012, 01:04 PM
Here's one thing that might put your mind at ease...the Mayans predicted December 21st, 2012 to be the end of the world. However, they did not account for the leap year (it didn't exist back then). So the world should have ended like 8-9 months ago, according to their calendar :)

05-02-2012, 01:15 PM
ahh i was very much in the same boat as you.
although i still think about it at times.

i did come across a story on john titor. as stupid as his whole story sounds, some of his predictions have actually came true (from what i've gathered anyway - i might be wrong).
i believe the whole john titor thing, alot more than i do the world ending. his predictions go well past this year.
to top it all off when i was reading up about him - the CERN (i think) company, were making great progress. which could very well in a few years time, make one of his other predictions come true.

sooo if you're like me, it might change your mind too!

05-03-2012, 06:40 AM
I have huge anxiety problems too, and use to worry a lot about the world ending as well. There are so many naysayers out there, you can't help but wonder if one of them is going to be right someday. Ha! It's kind of like my health anxieties - can't help but think that one of my self diagnosis will be right too! Anyway, one of the ways that I have learned to cope with this is to start preparing for it. Not in the crazy obsessive ways that you see people doing on TV, but in small, basic things that would be useful even if nothing happens. Set back a little food, some extra water, learn some new skills (knot tying, how to cook with the foods you have on hand, gardening, etc.), stuff like that - anything that I can think of that might make things easier if things go south. It distracts my mind from worrying about what could happen, and makes me feel a little more in control of my situation.

05-04-2012, 06:49 AM
I used to be anxious about stuff like this, but I adopted the 'so what!?' approach to it.

If the world does end suddenly due to some crazy phenomena like an asteroid, super volcano or crazy apocalypse, the likelihood is that it'll be over in an instant, you won't know what hit you and hey... If you're dead, you won't be anxious any more right!?

I hope this doesn't come across as condescending, it's meant to be light hearted. I personally don't believe anything's going to happen. Every time you think about it, think 'so what!?'. Challenge your fear.