View Full Version : magnesium/amino acids

04-30-2012, 10:15 PM
guys i been reading the sticky thread and would like it if yall can post links to the amino acids brands i should get as well as the right type of magnesium...i just want to make sure i get the right one that will help me...thanks..

Dale King
05-02-2012, 12:10 PM
there isnt much too it mate, magnesium is magnesium (as long as you dont eat the climbing chalk they sell in big bags)

best advice i'd say is to walk into your local respected health store and tell them you would like to "supplement magnesium and amino acids - to help with anxiety" and they will talk you through it.

word of warning, this will do completely nothing if you are already operating within sufficient levels of magnesium and AA intake in your diet already. some other stuff you could try is eating omega 3's (Olive oil, nuts, avocado) and B vitamin complex.

Also, equally (if not more) importantly, cut out things from your diet such as sugars, processed starches like white bread as well as caffein and nicotine.

05-02-2012, 01:00 PM
Do these things help?