View Full Version : help and advice please

bryan kellogg
04-30-2012, 08:51 PM
I am I need to be strong but my 13 year old son got into legal trouble and I don't know if I can get through this he is in juvenile detention I am having alote of anxiety right now I hope I can be strong for him is it normal to have of anxiety and has any one had trouble with juvenile office

04-30-2012, 10:14 PM
He is going to be okay. I know it seems bad, but hopefully this can be a turning point for him. It's better this happened now as opposed to later on when real jail is involved.

I dealt with two step brothers who were constantly going in and out of jail. It can be tough. Be strong for him, work on your anxiety with a therapist, or even get some meds to get you through this rough period. Focus your energy on figuring out why this happened to your son and what you can do to positively move forward.

bryan kellogg
05-01-2012, 12:14 AM
thank you I know he will be OK i cant afford to go to my therapist right now I am on buspar for anxiety l lost my job 9 mo ago and haven't found one yet I feel better now I just feel so bad for him and I need to be there for him

Dale King
05-02-2012, 11:56 AM
one thing that might help is to learn as much as you can about juvenile detention, his case, the evidence, the facts, the possible outcomes, and talk to the lawyer (if you have one) about concerns you have.

uncertainty about the future can be a major cause of anxiety.

this is one of the few topics i know more about as i used to be a defence lawyer working with kids in the same situation