View Full Version : Recommendations please.

04-30-2012, 12:23 PM
Hello again everyone,

I have been feeling pretty well the past couple of days. I really have been trying to fight the chest pains and everything. I went out drinking this weekend and hung out with some friends with the first time in a while. It felt good. However me going out resulted in my girlfriend and I arguing. It usually seems like the next day after and argument my chest pains appear and linger more. Today it's been like quick pains that come and go. I had one early that I felt both in my chest and arm.

Why is it that it happens on the left side? Why does everything have to set off anxiety all the time? I am seeing a therapist, which is helping me control pains and fears, but it doesn't seem like its working fast enough. Should I get on meds? What kind of medicine do you guys recommend? I tried lexapro and it was hell for me. I freaked for a week straight and couldn't take it anymore.

Any thoughts, comments, recommendations would be appreciated.



04-30-2012, 01:18 PM
Hi , anxiety can give all sorts of symptoms ,chest pain is a very common symptom of anxiety . You could ask your g.p for a low dose of anti -anxiety medication .
Any stress , tension etc add to the feeling of anxiety & when it's bad it is so overwhelming & does cause chest pain . Talk to your G.P .
Good luck :-)

04-30-2012, 02:33 PM
Anxiety causes chest pain because of our tendency to breath fast and shallow when anxious which leads to too much oxygen being taken in. This leads to most of the (very real) physical sensations of anxiety. One thing that can be helpful is to practice deep breathing on a regular basis. I was sceptical about this but it really helps me.