View Full Version : EFT Brilliant to help with specific causes of anxiety :)

04-29-2012, 09:38 PM
Good evening fellow forumers (i know its not a real word)

Havent posted on here for a few months as i have generally been better since my breakdown last year, anyway i started seeing a new counsellor as i am a bit anti-med and always believed more in talking things through, she is a specialist in EFT or Emotional freedom techniques and has literally re wired my brain in very few sessions. Its basically this technique that uses pressure points on your face, arms and hands as well as your eyes focus. So what she does is (i felt like such an idiot the first time) comes up with a sentence which you repeat whilst she pushed on a pressure point on your chest, then you say a different sentence whilst she taps the points on face, hands and arms and it basically makes you focus on your fear but with the pressure points makes the fear move rather then focus on your brain and distributes the fear in a way, really hard to describe. All i know is i was a low as ive ever been before i saw her (read my profile) and after a few sessions found the courage to face my ultimate fear.

Not saying im cured, i still get panic attacks and anxiety but not as often and not during the situations i worked on with her.

Give it a go :)

04-30-2012, 04:30 PM
thats great news...