View Full Version : high anxiety making me feel nuts!

04-29-2012, 03:46 PM
for the past 2 years my sleep was so messed up! I've had horrible insomnia at times. My sleeping schedule is all wrong!!! I can't fall asleep until anywhere from 4 to 6 am and wake up in the afternoons. I would stress about this and other things and that made me get bouts of depression. I felt like my level of anxiety was lower the past weeks and I was happy. You see, I live in an apartment and I think the upstairs neighbors hear us up at night. I mean we talk, watch t.v. and I take a shower at a certain time at night. The shower really relaxes me and makes me feel better and helps me to sleep. I don't believe we make a great deal of noise though. So they let their kids stomp on the ceiling and it raises my anxiety. For the past few days I feel so paranoid of what they're gonna do next and if they're gonna stomp like crazy all day. I fear i'm gonna lose sleep because of this and my anxiety is giving me insomnia again. I only slept a few hours today. My stress and anxiety is through the roof! I feel incredibly depressed because of this. I feel like me being in the comfort in my home is threatened. My OCD is taking a toll on me. I am so obsessed about them. Is this normal with high anxiety to feel like this? What can I do to blank them out and not worry?

04-29-2012, 04:26 PM
Does anybody know what positive things I can tell myself? I feel so overwhelmed and depressed. I feel nothing like myself!!!

04-29-2012, 05:52 PM
I know when I feel the way you do I just close my eyes and breath. My therapist taught me that and it works wonders! Also don't let them in your head because all its doing is making you second guess yourself. I get the same feelings as you and especially working doesn't help.

04-29-2012, 09:19 PM
Dvillechic is totally right,

I have very odd sleep patterns but since i tried meditation from a dvd class its changed everything. Have your shower (dont worry about any noise, running water is calming anyway, if they have a problem they should talk to you like adults) lay in a super comfy position in your bed, make sure you have a glass of water near you too (that for some reason adds comfort to me) close your eyes and take a deep breath in for 5 seconds, hold it for 5 seconds, breath out for 5 seconds and repeat a few times until you feel a little relaxed, then take 10 very deep, very slow calm breaths. i normally dont make it to ten and fall asleep. but i will say too the more you worry about sleep, the less likely it is you will sleep. also make sure your room is super dark, having nothing to focus on will help loads too. also hide any little lights, like from tvs, dvd player etc those tiny red lights for standby realllly dont help me lol

Sleep well, hope it helps
