View Full Version : Face Numbness

04-29-2012, 01:00 PM
Does anyone get face numbness as a physical symptom for anxiety? Yesterday, I was at my son's sporting event, and I know I didn't eat a proper breakfast. I started feeling light headed and anxious. I took a xanax and started to calm down a bit. I had just gone to the doctors the day before because I believed I had a pinched nerve in my neck, which was causing shoulder discomfort. I noticed late yesterday, that I was having a numbness around my cheek and jaw area on the left side. I woke up this morning, and it is still there.....no other symptoms....I'm wondering if this could be from anxiety or perhaps from the pinched nerve??? I am not having typical stroke symptoms......no droopiness ofthe face....just a slight numb feeling....

04-29-2012, 01:30 PM
I'm going to say the pinched nerve my friend
The anxiety could go a way into actually making the numbing worse because or worry and stress but I do think it's the nerve so relax and try and stay calm I think the nerve should sort its self out as usually they do xx

04-29-2012, 01:41 PM
Hello Trinidiva, I too have had numbness in my face and not just my face but sometimes my whole body. But it's definitely a symptom of Anxiety, it can be very scary symptom due to the fact that when people develop sudden numbness they think its a stroke so they panic. If you have no other symptoms then you should be fine, but you could ask your doctor about it if you are worried. When my face would go numb it would usually start in my nose and then spread to my cheeks then to my lips and sometimes my whole body. It would only last around 5-10 mins for me and on rare occasions up to an hour. Although i haven't had numbness in around 2 weeks which i'm happy about :) So hang in there you aren't alone! and for me this is one of the many physical symptoms i have with my anxiety. I hope you find whats triggering yours. Have a Anxiety free day (:

04-29-2012, 01:43 PM
Thank you...I'm trying not to freak out too much about it.......out w my fam right now and still worried.

04-29-2012, 02:03 PM
Numbness is a classic anxiety symptom, especially when you are on edge or having a panic attack.

Think about it. Especially when you are having a panic attack, your body's "fight or flight" system is fully engaged. It believes you are threatened and prepares for you to evade or attack. Many anxiety symptoms can be explained from a very instinctual and biological perspective. For example, in nature when threatened by a predator, your fight or flight would kick in and you may have to run through a forest. Having a numbed face would help you move fast even if branches and twigs are smacking your face! A numb body would help you fight through any pain that may come.

Soooo many symptoms can be explained through this, and although unpleasant they aren't going to hurt you, because in the end it's simply your body's self defense system.