View Full Version : Anxiety attack now please help me :(

04-29-2012, 12:57 PM
IM having an anxiety attack now being about 6 months without one
I feel sick and shakey does anyone have an advice ?? :(

04-29-2012, 01:00 PM
Try to understand it's adrenaline and it will pass. Relax your body completely and breath slowly and deeply. Have you seen your doc about this?

04-29-2012, 01:01 PM
I would try to just lay down in bed and watch some TV. Something light. Anxiety attacks suck, I had one earlier today. Just don't add to it by being afraid just try to go with it. It will only last for a little bit. Also, look up some breathing techniques others have posted on this forum, they seem to work well.

04-29-2012, 01:02 PM
Try to take deep breaths from your abdomen...breath in through your nose, out through your mouth......try to slow your breathing down.

04-29-2012, 01:23 PM
Thanks guys my dissertation is due in tomorrow but I'm still anxious about it and I don't know why !!! I have been to the doc and I've been on 100mg of sertraline for 2.5 years which sucks x thanks for the breathing I feel a little better but still a little sickly :(

04-29-2012, 01:50 PM
I find distraction is best! Favourite app to play or do some washing up....or ring someone.....x

04-29-2012, 02:14 PM
My names Cinders and before i start,id just like to say thankyou to those of you who have viewed this thread and i hope it will be of some help and comfort to those that use my information.

Practise the following exercise twice daily for atleast 10 minutes at a time,the best thing about this is that it can be done anywere.
i myself find it convenient to do this exercise before getting up in the moring and then again just before setteling down to go to sleep.

BREATHING EXERCISE (can be done during anxiety and panic attacks too)

1....Let your mind gp blank and your shoulders and muscles relax,Breath in through your nose for the count of four,then breath out from your mouth for the count of four (each count being a second on the clock)

2....Your breaths dont need to be any bigger in volume than normal,and try to keep the rhythm smooth and fluid.
Think of the air as flowing or 'oozing' in and out,rather than being suddenly hauled in or forcibly ejected.

3....Allow your abdomen to gently expand as you breath in,and flatten as you breath out,keeping your chest as still as possible.

4....If this is comfortable,after a few days work on stretching the breaths,making each one longer. Breath in to the count of 5,then out for the count of 5. Whenever it becomes comfortable,lengthen the inhale and exhale to 6,then 7 and finally 8.

5....Continue to do the exercise twice daily untill your confidentyouve changed your breathing pattern to abdominal and each breath lasts longer.

i swaer by this exersice,its really helped me through my anxiety and panic attacks and i hope it helps those of you who try it out

04-29-2012, 03:49 PM
Breathe less. Breathe as your body breathes when you aren't paying attention to it. The air should travel to yoru abdomen but breathe very mildly and calmly. Overbreathing can cause too much CO2 to be released and will make your symptoms worse. You don't need more oxygen. You need to keep more adrenaline from being released. After the adrenaline passes you will be totally ok again. Don't add 2nd fear! Flop like a floppy rag doll and let it pass buddy! Anxiety attacks will not harm you.

04-30-2012, 04:27 PM
i agree with all the above, i am doing a progressive muscle cd, and the breathing excersises have really helped...