View Full Version : hearing...

01-16-2007, 03:03 PM
heres a new stmptom for me...It doesnt really concern me though for some reason...its just kind of weird...ive been getting the ringing in ears for a while now...which I know is normal...but the past couple days my hearing has gotten kind of weird...every so often my hearing will really muffle in one ear...not completely go away...but its very apaent that im hearing better out of one ear than the other....it only lasts a couple minutes..but its a really weird sensation....it happened today then i kind of got a headache afterwards....that concerned me a little...but Im slowly getting over my disease a day habit...so im hoping this doesnt throw mr back in....anyone else have this???


01-16-2007, 03:06 PM
Wait...Do you get ringing all day long, and then it kind of makes this low ring like "BUUUUUUU" in one ear and you loose a little hearing in that ear for a little bit?

01-16-2007, 03:45 PM
yeah ive got the ringing most of the day if i focus on it...then its almost like one of my ears pops (like when youre on a plane)...not really a "BUUUUU" sometimes theres a slight rumbling in the ear...

01-17-2007, 02:09 AM
I've had that.

Some ringing which happens quite a lot, occasional low booming noises and once or twice a loss of some hearing in one ear (same one each time)

I went to the doctors and they gave me a nasal spray because they said it was my eustation tubes being blocked. It cleared it up pretty quick. I still got ringing occasionally but I've not had any hearing loss since then.

It's probably a bit of sinus irritation, that's all.

I know a lot of people with anxiety say they get this but it could just be that we're hyper sensitive to common symptoms.

01-17-2007, 03:25 AM
Yeah does sound like blocked tubes either ear or nose. My anxiety causes me to be deaf in one ear. And I get ringing sometimes but it goes gradually.

One of my ears is crackling as we speak strange huh?

Duncan (listening intently) :slywink: