View Full Version : My story, and a few questions.

04-28-2012, 10:29 PM
Decided to join here tonight while I am at work feeling anxious. I'll give my story while trying to make it too long.

I am a 24 year old male. About 7 years ago I tried Acid (LSD) and had a bad trip. After that I started having panic attacks daily and the first time I had one I was taken by ambulance to the hospital because I thought it was something much worse. I struggled for 6 months or so trying a few medications prescribed by my Psychiatrist. I started with Seroquel which was horrible, it just made me feel really tired without taking away my Panic attacks. Then I switched to Zoloft and it seemed to help quite a bit and since I was not having panic attacks I started to forget to take them until I never took anymore.

In the past 4 years I have had only about 3-4 minor panic attacks, but my Anxiety has been higher than ever. Most of my Anxiety comes from my fear of death and thinking I may die early for some reason. Actually the thought of dying even as an old person scares me. I have looked into and even called some Psychologists that could maybe help me with Cognital Behavioural Techniques but I can't really afford that right now. So my goal is try and get healthy physically to not only feel better physically because I'm overweight about 40lbs but to also boost my self confidence and mental energy. I also am trying to change the way I think to a more positive way instead of having my mind racing about negative things all the time. I just had a few weeks where I felt awesome by positive thinking.

Tonight I am feeling anxious though because of some stress. I find out I have a small Hernia that needs surgery and one of my biggest fears is surgery and sedation. I also have a friend from work who is in surgery after a car accident yesterday where his wife and unborn baby were killed so that has me a little shaken. Anyway I have a few questions and I thank you all in advanced.

1. What are some lifestyle changes that helped your Anxiety the most?

2. Has anyone done Cognital Behavioural Therapy and has it worked at all?

3. What supplements have helped the most?

4. Are there any good books that has helped you.

5. What would be your top few tips you can give me.

04-28-2012, 10:45 PM
First off, you may want to look into therapy. Although you said it is expensive, you may be able to find an affordable option nearby. Call around or search online for places that offer "sliding scale". I live in a big city and found a great sliding scale therapist and psychologist.

As far as the fear of death thing goes, that's something you will have to figure out on your own. I'm an atheist, and the thought definitely scares me too. I mean hell, it's TOTALLY normal to be afraid of death. But you can't let that interfere with life. I don't know if you are spiritual, or philosophical, but it can take time. You just need to come to terms with it.

I am brand new to having anxiety and am attacking it head on, so I can't offer much but here are my opinions.

1. What are some lifestyle changes that helped your Anxiety the most?
Be as healthy as you can. Try and get your body in tip top shape. Stay active and eat healthy. Also try and be as distracted as possible. Personally, I get most anxious when I am doing nothing, and feel best when I'm out with friends or doing something specific.

2. Has anyone done Cognital Behavioural Therapy and has it worked at all?
I believe Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is based on a very simple idea- by behaving normally your mind will relearn that it doesn't need to be on edge and on high alert all the time.

In general terms, I think that's one of the only ways to really overcome anxiety. Your brain and nervous system relearning to be at a normal level of sensitivity.

3. What supplements have helped the most?
I've heard good things about magnesium, as it calms the nervous system. There's a sticky thread at the top here which has to do with magnesium and amino acids, which some people have been very successful with.

4. Are there any good books that has helped you.
I just got this book (http://www.tao3.com/about_author.html) and recently started it. I've heard good things. I believe it is focused around what are called "TEA forms", basically a small writing exercise you can do daily where you write down a flawed thought and why it's illogical. A form of CBT.

5. What would be your top few tips you can give me.
Seek help in some way. A therapist and/or psychiatrist can help you. If zoloft worked so well before, there's a chance a low dose can help balance you out while you work on getting healthy and understanding your anxiety.

04-28-2012, 11:15 PM
Thanks for the quick response and I welcome others as well from other posters.

I should correct myself. It's not really the therapy that I can't afford, it's the travelling. The nearest therapist is about 4 hours away from here so while an hour session may only cost $120 or so, it would cost me about $400 to get a bus there and back, get a hotel and food. So each hour would cost me about $400 and I just don't have that right now. I should soon though.

I'm going to look into Magnesium some more. I really think I need to change from within and not sure how I can do it. My fear is so strong. I am hoping becoming healthy physically and trying to retrain myself to be a positive thinker I can improve myself a lot. My anxiety is not so bad on the days I'm not working, because I;m usually having fun with friends..but when at work on the computer by myself and my thoughts is when it's worse.

I'm not sure what I would call myself when it comes to my beliefs. I don't deny that there could be some kind of "God" out there but I do not believe in any of the Religions and I believe when we die we just do not exist, and that scares me because I like living. That's where a lot of my fear comes from.

04-29-2012, 01:04 AM
Wow.... 4 hours to therapy? That's insane!

04-29-2012, 01:26 AM
In your case the fear of death is the prime root cause of your disorder. This is indeed my case as well. I live in Moscow and each time i am about to get inti metro (undeground) it's making me short og breath and the anxiety starts. 4 years ago out of the blue i felt as if something stuck in my throat ( though i clearly understood that there was nothing inside my mouth) and had a terrific panic. My only wish at that time was to get out of the carriage as soon as possible and climb up to the surface. Since that time i am not ok. Regarding fear of death - several day ago i bought a book for CBT where on the front page it was written the phrase of one philosopher that if one fears death that simply means that he is not living in present.

04-29-2012, 01:30 AM
if one fears death that simply means that he is not living in present.
Exactly. We are all going to die. And do you want to remember being afraid of dying your whole life, or living it to the fullest?

As someone with anxiety, I too fear death. I spoke with my grandmother who is very old and had several health issues. When I asked if she was afraid of dying, she firmly responded with a "No", explaining that she has lived a great life, watched her kids and grand kids grow up, and was satisfied with everything she has done.

04-29-2012, 01:44 AM
The idea that you are not the only one with that diorder - that millions of peaple are suffering it and struggling it should also lessen your current state. Such forums are the great support to the ones like us. I've been always dreaming of going to some place like camp or resourt for a short period where the people with anxiety would gather together, share their stories etc... I definitely think that this would do much more good then prescribed medicine and pills.

04-29-2012, 04:39 PM
hi there, i totallly agree with Basil on the resort with ppl with anxiety, i think that would help too more than pills or meds, i think that is what i am looking for more support, encouragement reasurance, or that i am not alone in this.

i too have a fear of death, and i guess it stems from finding my mom at the age of 16, she died of a massive heart attack and she was only 47, i think i was scared of death, since i was a young girl, but that totally made it worse me. i do have a belief in the after-life, i do believe there is more to this earth, yet i still cant shake this fear.

some tips, that you may want to try, that i have been doing.

1) a relaxation cd, or you can download, it has deep breathing, than muscle relaxation, and than finally a mediation part, it does help me to get calmer, when i am anxious, or my mind is racing a thousand miles a minute, i can totally relate to that

2) i too have to work on getting more excersise in, watching my diet, lots of caffeine and sugar, can make your anxiety worse.

3) journaling, write down your thoughts, or type it on the computer, sometimes it helps to get it down on paper and than you might feel better.

4) countering your negative thoughts- i am trying to work on that one as well.

as for the fear of death, it is true if we constantly fear that we arent living in the present, i have a wonderul hubby and 2 great kids, and yet i worry about all kinds of things that could happen, and i hate that feeling. i hope i get to the point sooner than later, where i can be at peace with myself.

good luck, hope that helped !!!