View Full Version : New Here

04-28-2012, 03:55 PM

I'm new to the forum, infact is probably my first forum, i think i have had anxiety for years but i have never been to see anyone about it.

I worry alot, often find it difficult to sleep (have trouble stopping throughts going round my head), i feel stressed and worried about even the smallest thing, i have cut out drinking caffine (i used to drink alot) and i was much worse was always feeling panniced and obsessing over things since i stopped having any caffine i have got much better but somthings seem to be getting worse again, it seems to come and go but i have times where it seems to last for weeks.

I also have had what i think maybe panic attacks i get a shortness of breath when i try to breathe in i get a stabbing pain in the left side of my chest and i have to take short breaths until it goes away and i can breathe again.

Sorry its such a long post any tips of controling my "anxiety" would be apreiciated.

Sorry for the bad spelling too :)


04-28-2012, 05:52 PM
I would highly recommend seeing a therapist. They can help you understand whats going on and figure out how to manage it and end the suffering.

There are tons of options depending on where you live. If you have health insurance you can work with your company to find a place that accepts your plan. Even if you don't, you can search around online or call around and find a place with a "sliding scale". I'm paying $17 a session right now and I don't have insurance. It can go a long way in helping you understand what you need to do to be better.