View Full Version : How bad can anxiety make u feel

04-28-2012, 02:51 PM
Sicka feeling like this! :( ok so I hav OCD bad just got it under control now hypochondria came back bad! Iv thought (stil think) :( iv got cervial c breast c brain tumor now ovarian c tbh any other illness dosnt bother me! (I remember from age 12 it was meningitis I was scared of can't spel it lol) been to the doctors had breast checked 3 times cervix checked c125 test eyes checked reflex's checked all good...still I'm constantly thinkn iv got cancer sumwer & they dnt know it coz they not takin me seroius ovisly I do Wat we do & google symtoms and Evry ache & pain brings up cancer :( I'm petrified al day Evry day my mind is a living hell! So lastnyt I was laid dwn close'd my eyes & I heard a huge bang twice I jumped up looked outside nothing woke my bf out then I decided to google it I freaked out cryn shacking head bangin had to go to a&e I'm so sick of this of I knew I had no c I wud b the happiest person alive but my mind is telling me something else :( any advice is it just my mind????

04-29-2012, 02:37 AM
Forwells is right...if you keep on with the searches on symptoms you will just keep finding what you want to find and probably not the truth ! You need to break to cycle! You been checked your fine start living....we have to live for today who knows what will happen tomorrow. The worst thing that can happen to any of us is to die right...well we no control over it so why worry...life is too short so enjoy it don't wake up tomorrow and say I wish I could do that if my anxiety wasn't so bad...screw it ....go do what you want it ...it will be hard at first but it's mind over matter here! I also have been taking magnesium and vitamin b6 complex.....it has helped lots with heart palps ....I feel your discomfort I am only just turning my life around too .....we can do it though ......good luck to you

04-29-2012, 09:08 PM
I think online diagnosis sites are the biggest supporter of health anxieties, i know how you feel, i get a headache and assume i have a tumor or im going to have an aneurysm etc etc but the fact of the matter is, if i did have anything wrong with me i would be it sorted, medical advances and technologies bring me a lot o confidence and as crazychick says we are both wasting far to much time worrying about it, cross that bridge if you ever come to it but dont overthink it then in ten years look back on your life with the regret you wasted your time. we'll all get through this together, its going to be ok and try to stay positive but mostly just stay away from google :)

04-30-2012, 03:25 PM
I know how you feel. For the last few months I have been suffering from crippling health anxiety and panic. When I have these attacks I become over vigilant about any body sensations and imagine the worst. At it's worst I was thinking about swallowing and imagining I couldn't swallow which was fuelling my anxiety. I went to my doctor and they explained that a lump in your throat can be a symptom of anxiety and as soon as I knew this the symptoms went away. Anxiety feels horrible and sometimes the more energy we put into "reassuring" ourselves the more this can make us focus on symptoms which increases the bad feelings. Fir me it's helpful to remind myself that the (very real) physical symptoms I have are often CAUSED by the anxiety. That way there's no need to look further for a cause.

04-30-2012, 03:31 PM
I agree it's torchering me atm I'm goin to the doctors tomorrow telling them everything hoping I can finally get some help every pain sensation I feel I'm petrified straight away I think that's it I'm gona die just now I thought ok I'm been silly I'm fine I felt happy for ten seconds at the most then I thought no wats the point in been happy when there is sumthing wrong! :( I'm so fed up

04-30-2012, 03:33 PM
And as for anxiety symtoms yes iv heard a lot can be caused by anxiety but it is impossible for me just to put it down to that I wish I could

04-30-2012, 04:04 PM
Yea like when I get a headache I think that's defo a tumor Evan thou Thers 1000 different resons why I might have a headache :/

05-01-2012, 07:42 AM
My advice would be not to google stuff. In my experience if you google hard enough you can ALWAYS find a way that ANY symptom could be life threatening..... Like me with my swallowing. I was convinced I was gonna choke to death but then as soon as I stopped thinking about it it went away.... I'm making a point now of any time I get a symptom to tell myself that it's just the anxiety and ignoring it or doing some deep breathing or other form of relaxation...

05-01-2012, 11:05 AM
I'm not google'n anymore iv been back to the doctors today & she told me everything's fine she said I have to see someone about my anxiety & gave me some meds .. Thanx

05-01-2012, 12:07 PM
Brilliant. Counselling or CBT can help. What mess did she give you?

05-01-2012, 12:34 PM
Thanx .. Sertraline she gave me .. I just need to treat it the same way as I did with OCD I did that I can this too :) Thers always that thought that creeps in but what if something is wrong! BUT if evry1 was to be like that I think we would all crack up lol

05-01-2012, 10:56 PM
I google stuff alot, as I did today and OMG!!! I am in a panick. I have some appointments scheduled but that does not stop my rapid heart beat and the thought of dying before I get to my appt. But I need to stop googling myself. I guess just trying to make sense of this because the doctors say it is psychological but why am I feeling it physically. That is a question we all have. Why does it hurt?

05-02-2012, 01:07 AM
What did ya google coz no doubt I probs had it in the past 4 weeks! Lol & I understand it's hard to put a pysical symtom dwn to worry & anxiety I know I can't

05-05-2012, 01:24 PM
My symptoms are, I am dizzy and once my panick attack has gone, my thigh has pain. I am trembling and I get a headache. I feel better when I talk to someone.

05-05-2012, 06:43 PM
Are you dizzy all the time

05-06-2012, 12:09 AM
Talking to someone really of great help. This is a sort of a comfort zone when yiou know that you areo not alone and if necessary the other person can support you. Another technique is to spread all your fingers, keep them in that position until you count till 10 and then relax them. This helps a lot because nerve endings are in our fingers.

05-06-2012, 04:35 PM
Yes this is a great place to share as it doze realy help talking I have never noticed dizziness recently ( I problys will after this or at least think I am ) lol wen I was 12/13 I remember my mam takin me to the doctors alot for dizziness & they didn't know Wat it was mabie that was the start