View Full Version : Panic attack hell

01-16-2007, 01:19 PM
Anxiety/ Depression runs in my Family I was diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder like 4 years ago. When I was real little I always got Motion Sickness in Cars my eyes would water alot from the sun also. I have Blue eyes and I guess that makes them more Sensitive or so im told. If I spin around in a circle like 3 times im already Dizy so yah. About a Month ago I was sleeping it was 2 in the morning I heard a door slam outside I flew off the couch and I thought I was Dieing right then. I was very Weak,Restless,Heart Pounding, Shaking, Fuzzy Vision and I didnt know anything. That was my first Panic attack it was Horrible!!! I woke up in the Morning and I felt bad right when I opened my Eyes. A few hours later I had another Panic attack and I called 911. When they got to my house their like your Hyperventilating. My Blood Pressure was like 180 over 90 10 minutes later or so I was feeling calmer and on the way to the Hospital I felt better to a degree. They did a EkG and gave me a half a Ativan and I left. I slept pretty good that night. Ever since that first Panic attack I havent been the same. I was worried that my ex gf was gonna call the cops on me so when I heard a door slam I freaked instantly. And thats still the problem I have now I cant let it go and stop thinking about it. This past time I went to the ER they did a Drug Test,Took my Blood to check my Thyroid, Ekg, Chest X-rays. Doctor came back and said it was all fine she gave me a Script for Ativan and I left. Then I went to my Family Doctor He gave me a Script for Buspirone I quit taking the Ativan b.c I was told it wasnt ment to take Everday and that it Stoped working after a while. The Buspirone didnt help at all ... sigh I only took it for like a week or so but I freaked like bad and the pill wasnt good enough. So back to the Ativan... lil 1 mg at first I think it worked but nowadays I cant even tell. Sometimes I feel more chest pain and stuff after I take it idk. 2 weeks ago I was about to lay down in the road and die I didnt care I took one of my uncles klonopin with in 30 minutes I was calm but a tad lightheaded and tired. Here Recently all i've been taking is the Ativan 2-3 times a day and ive been really lightheaded. People in my family piss me off their like maybe you have a brain Tumor or something b.c ur eyes water easy and u get dizzy easy... all that does is bother me more and make me upset and freak. Sitting here typing all this is making Me nervous. Last night I was having tingleing like in the middle of my Chest and My stomach would feel strange for a second or two and it felt like my chest was warmer then what it should be thats what really scares me. It almost feels like I have acid reflex or something like theirs something trying to come up my throat....idk my mouth was dry as it is right now for the most part. Them symptons dont seem to be of a panic attack I never felt anything like that before but idk im always nervous and on the edge of having one so i have no clue. I'm just afraid im gonna be like this forever and die in my sleep or something. I notice my heart all the time now I pay so much attention to it. When I lay down I can tell it isnt beating fast but I still feel like it is or like its getting ready to .. i hope that makes sense anyways its hard for me to sleep most of the time and at the same time im thinking stuff which then makes everything worse... I fucking hate this shit I go to the Doctor Thursday i'm gonna tell him the Buspirone does nothing and the ativan doesnt last and i feel lighthead and stuff maybe he will give me something else who knows... i hope so though[/i]

01-16-2007, 01:35 PM
I seen somewhere on here that a symptom for some people is when u close your eyes ur gonna float upwards thats exactly what ive been feeling for like 2 days now. it sucks very very bad when i try to sleep it freakes me out it makes me feel like i wont be able to open them back up or i'l die or something

01-16-2007, 02:09 PM
hey I don't really have a lot of answers for you- i just wanted to say that i too have blue eyes and my eyes are VERY sensitive. I cannot be in a car with either the AC or Heat on low without my eyes starting to water or burn. Also the wind and sun affect them a lot. I too was told it was because blue eyes are more sensitive. My eyes are also always red too for no reason- because of this i use visine daily which probably isn't good.

I too have had a lot of panic attacks and differnt symptoms which are very scary. You said that you have tried some different medicines which haven't really been helping lately- What about a medicine that is more longterm like Zoloft or something like that...
I have not taken this medication so i cannot say it will be better but you said you were having trouble with ativan and it isn't meant to really take long term. Also another thing I am considering for myself is going to see someone to talk to- get some sort of counseling because i cannot handle my anxiety on my own anymore. Maybe that could help.
Just thought I would share a couple things with you- hopefully others can share some better advice as well :) good luck

01-16-2007, 04:53 PM
The Sun really gets my eyes going in 2 seconds their pouring. I used to use Eye Drops everyday but after a while I could tell it wasnt doing me good I wear Contacts to so yah it stinks. I took Paxil,Zoloft,Effexor, and others like 3-4 years ago for just anxiety none of them really worked. Since I had that first panic attack I dont feel the same at all really. I guess you could say ive gotten worse im on the edge of having a panic attack all the time which is no fun. Strange Symptoms here recently like I feel like I have to swallow and like somethings trying to come up my throat. And I feel like my chest is warm like a burning sensation or something its crazy. And ofcourse the Tingleing which is annoying after a while. The Hardest thing for me is trying to get to sleep b.c Im not relaxed and the chest pains and so on it feels like my heart is beating super fast but its not but the second I think about it or tell myself it is I freak out and it all gets worse much worse. Usually when I wake up I feel the same way before I feel Asleep. I go to talk with someone tomorrow so maybe that will help me. And Thursday I see my Doctor so hopefully i'l get a new Medication. I think I need a Nerve Pill to help me honestly. I hear some are Addictive but idk what else to do I cant go on feeling like I do right now thats for sure. Like I said in my First Post I took A whole Klonopin while I was having a Panic Attack and within 25 minutes I was calm but lightheaded a little. It came from my Uncle I shouldnt of taken it b.c I was taken Ativan and buspirone I didnt feel like going to the Hospital again. Im not sure if taking Ativan with Buspirone would make you sick or hurt you in anyway I dont really wanna find it.

01-17-2007, 03:36 AM
Its amazing how many people end up in hospital on thier first panic attack, I know I did. I hope you feel better soon panic attacks suck. I have them quite regularly, although they have stopped affecting my breating now I just get Shivery, Nauseous and want to get away fast. I wont go into the whole explianing how panic attacks work thing, but you will only get over this by learning to self talk yourself down and breathe naturally.

Their are loads of self help programs out their, for info on different techniques and genral panic see here:
http://panicdisorder.about.com/od/panic ... ttacks.htm (http://panicdisorder.about.com/od/panicdisorderselfhelp/SelfHelp_for_Panic_Disorder_and_Panic_Attacks.htm)


01-17-2007, 08:57 AM
I've been really Lightheaded for the past 3 days its odd and it seems like i have to clear my throat alot more recently.. idk lol i deff need to learn some ways to get through the attacks