View Full Version : Random moments of guilt?

04-27-2012, 03:42 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm wondering if this happens to many people. I often have the experience where something relatively innocuous will happen, and whatever it is will lead to a negative memory in my mind, followed by a flash of guilt. For instance, I could be watching a basketball game, and I'll suddenly remember the time I was around 12 (about 30 years ago) and knocked the basketball out of my younger brother's hands in the middle of a game. It was kind of a cruel thing to do, and my brother got real upset and started crying. Now, I suppose that random memories like that are normal, but for me they're pretty common, and I end up feeling pretty guilty about these random, distant situations. Does that happen to anyone else?



04-28-2012, 04:25 AM
Wow, I thought it was just me, lol! I am 32 and still have these "flashbacks" every now and then. Just randomly my mind will think of a time in my childhood that I was maybe mean to someone or hurt someone. It's silly things like being rude to my dad or when I was 9 my mum asked me to let the cat in and I couldn't be bothered so left the cat outside in the rain. For sone reason these trivial things pop up in my head and I feel guilty. Who knows why these thoughts happen but we were kids and kids do stuff like that and as adults we are very different.
B x