View Full Version : Heavy legs?

04-27-2012, 02:31 PM
Hey all,

Well i'm not sure if this is related to anxiety or not but it does seem to come and go. Well i have had a heavy,achy,tired leg feeling for about a month now and i'm not sure what it could be. I told my doctor about it but he really didn't even say anything about it >.>

I would say it comes and goes but it really seems to stay all day everyday mostly. I don't exercise i'm 17, i have a bad diet.. chips,fast food,nothing green. I'm skinny 115 pounds.. sit around most of the day..

So do you guys think this is a serious problem or linked to anxiety some how? Have you guys experienced anything like it before and what did you do to fix it! I am currently not on any medication but would like to be for anxeity, and its not just my legs it my whole body it seems like, when i bend over i just wanna fall over! its really annoying! But even like 10 mins ago i ran around the block and it seemed to make my legs feel normal again but i don't know.. but i also shake when using any kind of force.

Please leave advice! i need it! thanks XD