View Full Version : It's The Thoughts Stupid

04-27-2012, 09:09 AM
It has been well confirmed that anxiety and most depression is a result of thinking styles and content - an automatic way to think that keeps the nervous system in high arousal or in giving up and depression. This is why cognitive therapy and mindfulness are now the top treatments for both conditions. In further investigation researchers are now finding them not quite going to the root of the thinking problems.

The field of psychoneuroimmunology, psychosomatics and Body Mind Medicine has known for over 40 years that the mind can Slay and Can Heal (read Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier ).

Here is an example of mind power. You are enjoying a beautiful warm summer morning having a delicious breakfast on the patio of a local restaurant. You have to stop by the doctors office to get your latest lab work but are hardly thinking of it because the morning is feeling so wonderful. You step to the doctors receptionist to announce your arrival and she comments on the how good you look with your recent vacation tan and you engage in a friendly conversation until the nurse calls your name.

After 20 minutes of sitting in an exam room and reading a travel magazine and noting places for your next tropical vacation the doctor enters. His brow is furrowed and he sits next to you on the exam table. "All your tests are back and I am sorry to tell you that you have terminal cancer" As you leave the office guess where your ANXIETY is now. Nothing changed - the cancer did not suddenly make you anxious - IT WAS WORDS AND THOUGHTS. The only thing that occurred is your world changed from thought - the diagnosis could be totally wrong and your anxiety and depression may still be in flames.

In looking at my own thought processes (and it is hard to do) is I find that I don’t have any or hardly any positive go to thoughts. When you grow up in an environment that you learn maladaptive ways of thinking and if you have higher intelligence we are our own enemy. Most anxiety people are very bright and fast thinkers - we have to be to torture ourselves so well.

Problem is. just like DOS runs behind Windows our thinking process runs behind our awareness and we are not able to see the damaging process we are using to see and create our world. It is our resident programming. Garbage in Garbage out!!

So how to reporgram - CBT does it on a very surface level. Affirmations are Make-Nice statements that are like the latest web page - a second later gone and forgotten. So how to access the internal software and change the scripts so we can stop haranguing our limbic system and it will stop screaming anxiety back at us.

I don’t know yet but I do know this is my greatest challenge and feels like a solid wall......still people like Normal Vincent Peale who wrote on this over 50 years ago and philosophers several thousand years ago knew - what we think at the deepest levels creates our world. Simply we create anxiety and depression!!

Here is an excerpt from a book I found interesting on the subject:


I am looking at many more but this is a start.......

If anyone else has come to the awareness that their internal thought software is corrupted please share your thoughts!!

04-28-2012, 02:15 AM
This is great Kev. Brilliant.

I feel fortunate that I get to work with special kids like this Kevin every week. They truly are inspirational!

04-28-2012, 09:34 AM
Thanks for sharing this Kev. It moved me to tears. I wish we could all live that way!