View Full Version : Tmj

04-27-2012, 09:41 AM
Anyone else clench their jaw when anxious???
Also I have a problem spending the night at people's houses is that weird? It makes me anxious. And also I get anxious about being anxious.

04-27-2012, 10:42 AM
I also have TMJ and clench my teeth a lot even when sleeping which led to a lot of pain. My dentist made a splint/mouth guard for me which I wear when in bed- wearing it makes it impossible to clench your teeth and after using it for a few nights all the pain and tension from my jaw was almost gone!
I am the same as you and only feel comfortable sleeping in my own bed, sleeping elsewhere makes me anxious so I avoid it.
As for being anxious about being anxious that is part of the vicious circle of anxiety and it can be hard to tackle. I panic about having panic attacks which is a nightmare! But medication and therapy has helped me in the past.

04-27-2012, 11:11 AM
dentist mouth guard is best but a cheap option is a plastic mouth guard you can buy at walmart-- used for athletes-- you put it in boiling water-- boil it-- take it out, let it cool, then put it in and bite down while it is still soft, if done properly it will fit perfectly over your top teeth and will help immensely from jaw clenching!!

04-27-2012, 12:23 PM
I have tmj as well and have finally spent the money on the tmj retainers. I haven't had them in long but it has been a huge help! They are expensive but if you are getting constant headaches like I have been its well worth it

04-27-2012, 12:35 PM
Thank you guys, I actually have a mouth guard from the dentist but it isn't fitting me right and hurts when I put it in also I'm a light sleeper and it doesn't help having my mouth guard in when It's hurting me.