View Full Version : Huge anxiety over neighbors!!!

04-27-2012, 03:11 AM
I usually take a shower around 10 pm and it's a bit long. It calms my anxiety before I go to bed. The thing is that I think the people upstairs from my apartment can hear me take a shower since the pipes are so loud. They get mad and make noise making me feel very anxious and I can't relax! It feels like they're taking away my comfort zone from the shower and this is making me feel very anxious and sad! I stay up pretty late because of my anxiety and I think they can hear us upstairs so I think they get back at us by letting their kids make a tremendous amount of noise the next day. And the noise is making me panic and scared so I can't really sleep these days! I feel so overwhelmed with fear of them! I mean I'm making much less noise at night and taking less time in the shower but they are still mad! Should I try to ignore them or what? :(

04-27-2012, 05:57 AM
Screw 'em!! You should be able to take a shower at that time and if it makes noise, blame the building design. It's just a damn shower after all. Do you sing in there??:) Alankay

04-27-2012, 06:22 AM
don't give a dam about them its your apartment. I suggest if you have a cd player listen to classical music it so relaxful it put u to sleep.

04-28-2012, 02:11 PM
Thanks for the reply guys! I don't know why I let them really get to me since they sound incredibly stupid!!! I let it get to me to the point that I feel very depressed and I don't feel like myself because I'm letting them control my life because it feels as if I'm losing my total freedom. I'm having really crappy sleep because I worry that they're going to get revenge by making crazy noise to the point I won't be able to sleep anymore. I think I'm going to write them a letter explaining my situation and if they don't care then I give up! I shouldn't care about them anyway. But they have become a part of my OCD obsessions lately I hate this!!!