View Full Version : Just give up

04-26-2012, 07:24 PM
Fighting anxiety is about as effective as fighting The War on Terror. You're fighting something that can't be fought. There are many things you can do to help you overcome anxiety and get your nervous system and brain back to where it should be, but while dong all this, I think there should also be a deep underlying "give up and move on" attitude. Not giving up that you won't get better, but giving up like "Fuck it" or "Who even cares anyway". Throw in the towel and say the hell with this anxiety bullshit already and go live your lives! I am not saying don't do any type of therapy because there are lots of things you should do, but while doing them, let it all go and say the hell with it. I did not cure my anxiety alone by only taking supplements, doing Buteyko breathing techniques, and all the other stuff I mentioned. All those things helped me greatly, but I also took on an attitude that pulled me though it.

BRING IT ON! Go out there and just say, "BRING IT ON! BITCH!"

Anxiety in crowds, BRING IT! Anxiety while flying, BRING IT! Anxiety walking out the front door, BRING IT! You feel the panic attack coming on, BRING IT!

Once the panic attack starts, just do my method and let go like you took muscle relaxers and just let the adrenaline pass. Don't give it any power.

Laughter is great medicine and everyone here needs to laugh a whole lot more. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at me. Laugh at everything. Go watch South Park or go see American Wedding or anything that will get you laughing.

Give Up! You have a life to live. Stop talking about it with your family and friends and just push yourself to move forward. Push with all your will to overcome the fear.

You can be happy and you can have a good life. It all starts with your attitude and mindset and getting this anxiety monkey off your back. I know it takes time, but it won't happen out of nowhere, you need to make it happen. You will need to develop the right attitude to initiate the healing process.


You don't have to know every single detail of how you got into this mess before you can be happy. I still don't know exactly why it happened to me and I am cured. I know it had to do with that I was ultra stressed out, had a bad breakup, and was scared about my health, etc., but I do not know for sure exactly how this all occurred. My point is, you can be happy and past anxiety even if you don't know the source.

Override the anxious thoughts and behaviors with new ones until the new ones become the new habit. Do not plan your life around your anxiety. Plan your life as if you had no anxiety and then push through and past the anxiety.

Your body wants to heal. Allow it to.

Put on some uplifting positive music and start dancing. Hey, go outside and have a panic attack and laugh at it if you want.
"Oh no I'm going to die! Oh my god! Take me to a hospital! My heart my heart! I need help! HELP! I got to get to a safe place!"
hahahahahaha it's not so serious. Can't you see? Treat it as a joke and then the joke ends.

There's even a Fuck It website:

You can like them on Facebook:

Inch by inch, little by little, week after week, month after month, you can get closer and closer to be rid of this anxiety once and for all. You WILL get a few bumps along the road. You may have a great week then BOOM! It's back. Remember: Just a bump in the road. Keep on Truckin'.

I think it's time to crack open a cold one and Cheers.

Like the Jews say, "Le Chai yim". To Life.

Let's cheers to life. We are ALIVE! How awesome is that?
Lets enjoy it!

04-26-2012, 08:17 PM
You are right. So much time is wasted on anxiety. Its ridiculous! That is absolutely the right attitude to have and everyone that deals with any sort of anxiety needs to try their hardest to "give up" anxiety and be positive and happy! It doesn't sound easy and it sure will take work but it does doing good!

04-26-2012, 08:46 PM
Sometimes when I feel panic coming on, I definitely follow that line of thought. I'll yell in my head "COME AT ME BRO! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?"

Because in reality, it's not going to do anything... It will make you scared and feel weird, but it's not actually going to do anything.