View Full Version : Anxiety at Work

Dale King
04-26-2012, 06:53 AM
Hey guys, so im an author and i write articles on how i dealt with anxiety in my life. Here is one of the first ones i wrote: maybe it will help some of you

Some approaches that work
So there is a ton of information out there on how to deal with stress, and as we know stress is a major contributing factor to inducing panic attacks. So I have been asked a lot of questions on how I deal with stress in my life.

The strange thing about dealing with stress and anxiety is that the methods used to cope are rarely used at the time of the problem. what I mean by that is that, say for example you were just on the receiving end of a frying by your boss for whatever reason. At that point in time, most people are looking for some "technique" to calm them down right there. This is why you have heard of such things as breathing techniques, counting to 10 and going to your special place. If you have ever tried this, you will know as well as I do that this rarely works, and often times just makes you look strange as you count to yourself while pretending you are on a beach.

So what do we do if the "in the moment" techniques don't work? Well the answer is that in order to deal with these situations you must adopt what's known as a "preventative" and "reactive" approach.

The preventative approach is by far more useful, however if you have failed at this step and are experiencing stress then there are steps you can do after the event which can reduce stress, I will get to these shortly.

With preventative measures, these have the effect of almost creating an invisible wall when the stress inducing events are occurring. Have you ever seen those people that are as cool as ice when there is absolute pandemonium occurring? Wouldn't it be great to be like these people? Imagine having an invisible wall that all the drama just bounces right off, so you have a clear mind to deal with the real issues at hand.

The way to do this is to focus on your "default state of mind". You can do this by taking care of your body and mind by using techniques such as exercise, eating healthy and taking time for yourself. It is amazing what effect this can have when you are approaching a stressful situation with a clear mind.

But say you haven't done these things, you just haven't had time to exercise lately, let alone eat properly, grabbing whatever you can between tasks and leaving yourself no wind down time to get your head back in the game. Then next thing you know you are dealing with a category 10 stressful situation. What do you do?

Well the simple answer is, nothing. There is nothing you can do in the stressful moment to try and reduce stress it's nearly impossible. What you have to do is ride the stress wave and adapt as best as possible. However following the end of this situation, or if you just have time to yourself, it is now time you got back to repairing the damage. This is the most important time to start exercising, grab a salad instead of a hamburger and take some time to read a book and forget all about it.

I guarantee that if you do this, you'll return to your "default state of mind" much faster.

To read more of this article visit The End Stress and anxiety website endstressandanxiety.com

Hope this helps! Let me know how it works for you.