View Full Version : Dizziness

04-26-2012, 04:42 AM
Hi everyone

I am new to this forum and have been suffering from constant non stop dizziness/floatiness for the past 4 years. Now i have been passed all round the hospital, been for balance tests, postugraphy, mri, lumbar puncture and even done vestibular rehabilitation for a few years. No one ever finds anything. The only one that did, thought it could be migraine associated vertigo but i know that back in my early twenties i suffered panic attacks and was scared to go out at one point.

I would like to know if it is possible that this dizziness could be entirely down to anxiety, i know that on a good dizzy day i am a lot happier and the dizziness seems to get less as the day goes on, i sort of look for it every day and then when i see it is there i sort of dwell on it. Does anyone else have anything similar. I am currently on 25mg of amitripyline and 40mg propananol but that has been prescribed for migraine, which i am not sure that i have. I wondered if i would be better trying an SSRI instead.

Any views would be greatly appreciated.


04-26-2012, 04:49 AM
Hi there I've had anxiety for about 12 years and I suffer a lot with dizzy spells , also I feel like I'm on a boat swaying, I've had tests and my eyes tested and all came back fine, I no how scary it can b , I don't take medication though coz I hate taking pills

04-26-2012, 03:26 PM
I have the same type problem and my doctors think it is anxiety related so it probably is in your case as well. Try not to look for it all the time that doesnt help!

04-27-2012, 09:08 AM
So many of us have this and for me it is anxiety

04-28-2012, 02:21 AM
Anxiety can make me dizzy and disoriented, but both medications I am on also lead to dizziness, especially on standing. I sometimes I have to sit down straight away or lean on something until I get my bearings.

I also have very low blood pressure, which was confirmed at my most recent GP appointment. He suggested Vitamin B complex, which I mentioned I find a bit too stimulating for my anxiety - but he suggested taking it at night to combat dizziness. Especially because it is a symptom I am quite aware of and one that can trigger more anxiety.

04-28-2012, 03:18 AM
I'm on ssri and they haven't really helped with the dizziness

05-01-2012, 11:54 AM
Hi there I've had anxiety for about 12 years and I suffer a lot with dizzy spells , also I feel like I'm on a boat swaying, I've had tests and my eyes tested and all came back fine, I no how scary it can b , I don't take medication though coz I hate taking pills

Today I seem to be suffering from not quite dizzy spells but like you said-- a boat swaying.. It feels like my body is trying to turn or spin but I'm sitting still.. It's really weird feeling.. It's not doing it now but it was doing it a little while ago.. Now as I'm typing this, my hands seem to be further away from me than normal.. It's just really weird sometimes.. My coffee cup sitting next to me seems further away too. Not sure if this is all related to anxiety but it happens a lot..

05-01-2012, 12:03 PM
Lol happens to me to lol.... Fuck that shit is gay

05-01-2012, 12:04 PM
I constantly get the swaying and dizzyness everyday but i got told not to look for it but to keep my self occupied and i dont notice it usually when i think about it i feel it.

05-01-2012, 12:06 PM
I was reading online and found that it seems like I'm suffering from depersonalization symptoms... It isn't something that has always been there but seems to be happening more and more. In fact, it's doing it again now.. It's the strangest thing to me.. I'm typing but it's like I'm observing myself typing. I feel like I'm sitting here but I also feel like I'm watching myself sit here.. LOL Too weird.. Who knew that this all comes from anxiety.. Crazy..

05-01-2012, 12:10 PM
I suffer og dizziness a lot and it is very annoying. Sometimes I cannot bend down or look up. I am convinced it is anxiety. When I had my last heavy spell where I could not even turn around in my bed without feeling dizzy I decided to beat this thing.
Whenever I felt the diziness coming on I tried to relax. It is very difficult because you can hardly think of anything else. When I got up in the morning and it started I said to myself f.......diziness. I can still do my chores even though it is difficult. I think what helps is not
giving it so much focus. Easier said than done i know. Today I am not dizzy at all but of course it might come back and I am prepared.

05-01-2012, 12:30 PM
I just took an Ativan in the hopes that it will help with the symptoms I'm experiencing. Not sure if it will or does, but we'll see I guess. But you're right indiana-- we just have to deal with it and move on trying to not focus on it.

05-01-2012, 02:05 PM
Lol Ativan is only suppose to be when having an attack because it's do short term you should speak to your doctor about paxil for long term relief if you already haven't .. Even though I'm being a hipacrit because I don't wanna take mine

05-01-2012, 02:31 PM
Lol Ativan is only suppose to be when having an attack because it's do short term you should speak to your doctor about paxil for long term relief if you already haven't .. Even though I'm being a hipacrit because I don't wanna take mine

Well, I don't have another appointment until June but these depersonalization issues just recently started happening... I just took the Ativan to try to see if it'd help... no harm in trying.. Especially since I've managed to not need an ativan otherwise today so far..

05-01-2012, 02:59 PM
Wow I see that dizzynEss is very common with
Anxiety/stress/depression... I hate it though :/

05-01-2012, 04:11 PM
Wow I see that dizzynEss is very common with
Anxiety/stress/depression... I hate it though :/

I tried to explain to my husband that I was now getting symptoms of Depersonalization and he just looked at me funny. I don't think he'll really understand it unless he went through it. He told me that he had similar symptoms but when I told him it was caused from anxiety, that's when I lost him. He doesn't think he has anxiety issues and just got confused. LOL

Since these new symptoms have appeared, I'll have to try and keep track of how often they happen and then let my doctor know when I have another appointment.

05-01-2012, 04:49 PM
@pamom people will laugh and tell u ur crazy! I had my share... They will never understand.. all I can say is we are some tough individuals.. Even doctors kinda laugh as well.. sucks though :/

05-02-2012, 01:54 AM
Hi everyone ,
Dizziness & a wired feeling of not really being here , like I'm in a dream . Very scary at first .
I've tried many medications for depression & anxiety & untill your body gets used to them they can make you experience very odd feelings .
Also when you stop a medication it causes these strange feelings . Having said that even without medication I can have these feelings of floting & not being real ( I know how silly that sounds) . It's not very nice at all & when it happens I become more anxious !!
I get very dizzy spells & a lot of the time I have to sit down for a while for it to pass .
I also feel like I'm going crazy at times :-(

05-02-2012, 10:39 AM
I'm not taking meds and I still get dizzy and fatigue all day

05-02-2012, 09:34 PM
Same here.. dizzynEss and very tired all freakin day!!! and I'm not on any meds.. :/

04-03-2013, 07:53 PM
I also have this.. Have been feeling like I'm on a boat for a year now.
Thought it was just anxiety as it gets worse in panicky situations but now I'm thinking otherwise :(