View Full Version : New here and I need seriuos help

04-26-2012, 12:21 AM
Hi everyone, well I dont know where to begin..im a 31yr old femalewho within the last 15mons has no lie gone the emergency room at least 40 times ..i know it sounds crazy but its very true..i live every minute of e bv ertday swearing to god that im gonna die at any given second..im so broken inside ,i really feel lost and hopeless,im just never gonna get better..i have every symptom on The LIST and im just so TIRED...i suffer all day everyday, I take xanax when I REALLY need it but im scared of all meds.....this is just the beginning of my laundry list of issues but I would just like some feed back to start,...by the way ive had a form of anxity for along time, but NOTHING like this last year ...

04-26-2012, 02:55 AM
I can understand your stress. I feel the same way. I haven't been able to enjoy my life for about 3 months now bc I am terrified I will die. I get scared making future plans bc what if I don't live to the date of the plans. But in all of this little by little it's getting better. Start making small changes everyday to improve it. If you aren't already start taking vitamin d b12 and fish oil. Learn some new breathing techniques, do something fun as much as you are fearful of doing it try. Also I wrote a post with the advice my counselor gave me but I'll paraphrase it here. When you have a symptom that you are worried about, for me it's chest pains, tell yourself nope I will think about it a year from now. No matter how many times it keeps creeping into your head say no I will worry about it next April. Think of it this way they have probably already done all the tests on you for whatever your symptoms are so if there is something wrong with you it's not going to hurt you over night, so if you still feel those symptoms a year from now that's when you can worry about it. One other thing that is helping me is facing the fear. Which is hard with death but what I am doing is writing a will, a power of attorney and a letter to my family. This is my new step towards feeling better. I guess I look at it like if I know my family would be okay if something were to happen to me, than I feel a little sense of peace. Anyways I hope this helps you even a little and if you need to talk I am a good listener feel free to email me. Our symptoms sound very similar. I have been to the ER 5 times in the last 2 months and my doctors office at least 10. So I feel your frustration. Good luck :-)

04-26-2012, 02:56 AM
I'm new here too! Just signed up about 2 min ago and you're the first post I read. Alot in common already! ;o) I'm slowly getting better at dealing with my anxiety. I've figured out that it's dealing with stress at work, home and my health for me.

I'm here and I'll be around the forums!

04-26-2012, 08:05 AM
You're not alone Pattyann. Did something happen in the last year that could have triggered you to feel depressed? It sounds like your anxiety has turned to depression...feeling down and being so tired. You may need to talk with some one to figure out where this is all coming from. Or you can talk here to all of us. Have a good day!

04-26-2012, 09:04 AM
Patty I'd ask about a longer benzo(ativan, klonopin or valium) and try starting an ssri like zoloft at a low dose and go to the normal dose and hold there. Taking a short acting benzo is not optimal if you have Generalized Anxiety as well as panic. Buspar might also be tried in place of the ssri. Alankay.

04-26-2012, 03:28 PM
positive thinking goes along way. there is nothing physically wrong with you and you are nottt going to die any time soon. you arent alone and you will get better