View Full Version : I need your opinion and help please read this!!

04-25-2012, 11:23 PM
Hi all, I am a 19 year old freshman at college and for the past year i have been experience day to day symptoms that i cannot explain. I have been to to the doctors a million times and they cannot figure out what is wrong with me and keep sending me to different specialists. People keep telling me I might have anxiety but I am not sure, so here are my symptoms and let me know what you think!
-tired all the time
-have trouble waking up in the mornings
-heart problems (fluttering,palpitations)
-vision problems (constantly having floaters and bright swirly things in my vision. Also when i look at a pattern or something striped its very blurry)
-feeling like nothing is real
-constantly worrying that im going to lose control
-i have had a couple of panic attacks
-also with my vision there are halos pretty much everything, and im sensitive to bright light
-i always feel like i have a hat on even though i dont
-forgetting what its like to feel normal

Those are some of my symptoms ive head steadily for the past year now. These symptoms have made me kind of depressed and extremely sad. I wanna feel normal again and i dont know what to do. let me know if this might be anxiety or you might know what it is. thanks soo much. One Love

04-25-2012, 11:29 PM
Also forgot to say..
-have trouble focussing on anything
-trouble reading
-very jumpy to sudden noises
-feeling of fainting (but never have)
-eye redness
-i have deja vu all the freakin time
-very explicit dreams?
-muscle twinges/kneck tightness

04-26-2012, 12:14 AM
School can be stressful. It sounds like you may have some sort of anxiety disorder. No worries- nothing is inherently wrong with you, you aren't going to die, and you can definitely feel normal again. Stuff like this happens all the time to people under stress.

But you need to take action. Does your school have a doctor or "wellness center"? My college had a fully dedicated clinic, which included psychologists and psychiatrists. I would definitely recommend speaking with someone to start to get to the root of whats going on. If your school doesn't offer these services, they should be able to direct you to affordable options in the community.

04-26-2012, 02:40 AM
I would definitely advise seeing a doctor. Yours symptoms sound very consistent with those of anxiety.

I would also consider getting your eyes checked. It might give you some answers to your vision and dizziness issues.

You aren't alone here xxx

04-26-2012, 02:53 PM
Alright thanks so much for your input!!

04-26-2012, 04:14 PM
hiya. i would suggest simple partial seizures to your doctor also!