View Full Version : Anxiety/panic disorder

04-25-2012, 08:57 PM
I have an anxiety/panic disorder and some depression.i was diagnosed at 18 after being bullied in high school.i dropped out of college due to this.At first i had agoraphobia but now i see a therapist and have worked through a lot of that.im 19 now and its around my "bullying anniversary" (when it started),so ive been feeling very anxious and drained lately as well as depressed.ive been sick and think now i may be a hypochondriac too because i believe that i have all these possible things.why me?!?! I have a supportive bf but i think i need some others with my problems who understand more. I wonder sometimes if i should up my medication or not take it at all.im so confused and new to this

04-25-2012, 09:43 PM
Are you seeing a therapist? That could definitely help give you some tools to deal with it.

I wouldn't up your meds or stop taking them without discussing it with your psychiatrist. Be honest with them. There could be other medicine out there that could help, or maybe an increase is in order.